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Friday, May 3, 2024

TechBBQ 2024

wed29may(may 29)8:00 amthu30(may 30)8:00 pmTechBBQ 2024A new event experience bringing you world-class stage content, networking and hygge!

Event Details

TechBBQ started out as a small BBQ gathering for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs back in 2013, in a park in Copenhagen. Over the years, we have grown and evolved into the largest and most ‘hyggelig’ event of its kind in Scandinavia.

Every September, we welcome an increasing number of people from around the globe. Our annual summit expertly connects tech & hygge: it is designed so that you can meet innovative and groundbreaking startups in the ecosystem, discuss the latest trendsnetwork in a cozy and vibrant atmosphere, get inspired by trendsetting speakers – and enjoy a good old-fashioned BBQ!

In 2024, we will be hosting our 12th event, on the 11th and 12th of September.

More than just an event

Alongside our annual event, we are also involved in a wide range of projects aimed at elevating the Nordic and Baltic ecosystems.

Startup Capital – an online startup-investor matchmaking event focused on connecting the most promising startups with the right investors
 – a bite-size version of TechBBQ for a limited number of participants, which we are currently taking on tour to five different cities in Denmark
TechBBQ Sapporo
 – our partners, JETRO and Sapporo City, brought our TechBBQ concept to the Japanese audience
Founder Wellbeing Project
– a project focused on mental health in the startup environment
Impact Series 
– a project focused on promoting green & impact entrepreneurship

TechBBQ’s main goal is to support and strengthen the Nordic and Baltic ecosystem and connect it to the rest of the world. We foster growth for startups and scaleups. With us, you can expect grilling season all year round!


We want the Nordic startup ecosystem to be a catalyst for innovation, venture and technology.


Joining efforts for Entrepreneurship.


TechBBQ exists to support and strengthen the Nordic startup-ecosystem. We build communities and foster growth for startups and scaleups based on the Nordic values of overcoming egos, barriers and promoting openness, trust and inclusion.



29 (Wednesday) 8:00 am - 30 (Thursday) 8:00 pm Turku, Finland(GMT+03:00)