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New Nordic Event: R22 Robotics Automation and Drones 2022

wed23marAll Dayfri25New Nordic Event: R22 Robotics Automation and Drones 2022

Event Details


Visit the Nordic region’s largest robot fair in the middle of the country at Odense Congress Center.

Pioneering the industry
Have you ever considered whether you can use robots and drones in your work? At R-22 you can experience how your company can benefit from today’s popular technology and solutions – already today!

Explore industries such as:

  • Production
  • Construction
  • Agriculture & Horticulture
  • Health

The robot fair focuses on implementation, and here you can get good advice from companies that have already used robots and drones themselves.

Abroad, Denmark is known for being at the forefront of the latest robot technology, and on the R-22 you can experience the latest trends and tendencies through a wide range of exhibitions, presentations and workshops.

Get a completely unique insight into a world filled with robots, automation and drones.

See you at  Odense Congress Center from the 23rd-25th. March 2022.


MARCH 23, 2022

09:00 – 09:10

R-22 Opening

Hall AThe Mayor of Odense, Peter Rahbæk Juel, will open R-22 and welcome you all to the event.

Peter Rahæk Juel will be joined by R-22 Ambassador Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard, Co-Founder of Universal Robots and CEO & Co-Founder of REInvest Robotics.

  • Peter Rahbæk Juel

    MayorOdense Municipality

  • Esben Østergaard

    CEO & Co-FounderREInvest Robotics

Cobots for Process Applications

Hall A – Stage 2The Conference is in English.
Moderator: Sabina Kethelz, CCO, Nordbo Robotics

09.30 – 10.00:     No Code Software for complex process applications
Leo Zhou, CEO & Co-Founder, Nordbo Robotics A/S
Normally, it takes a good robot programmer to install your robot setup. Especially if the robot has to perform complex tasks. But the robot programmer is rarely a process expert in sanding, grinding, deburring or the like. No Code teaching methods of the robots can enable the craftsmen to do the programming of the robots, and in this way better bridge the human knowhow with the machine precision. This session will not be a sales pitch of Nordbo solutions, but rather a deep dive into our lessons learned from working with No Code teaching methods. You will learn more about what to expect and how to prepare as an end-user when you start teaching your robots what to do.

10.00 – 10.30     Bridging the automation gap between new product introduction and serial production with Cobots
Thomas Sølund, CTO, SPIN Robotics
Kristian, A. F. Revall Thorsen, Supply Cain Development Manager, NPI, Danfoss

During this talk Danfoss and Spin Robotics will outline how you can use collaborative robots to automate high-mix low volume assembly tasks. Danfoss will present how they as large organization are working with introducing flexible automation solution for low batch manufacturing. Both during new product introduction and production of low batch size products. One of the main questions to be answered is how to establish a proper business case. Spin Robotics will present why their screwdriver tools for collaborative robots – SD35 & SD70 – are the ideal choice to automate collaborative screwdriving assembly tasks. Both in term of functionality and business case.

10.30 – 11.00       Automating a Dispensing Process: Use Cases with Failures and Successes
Mie Haraldsted, CEO & Co-Founder, AIM Robotics
Discription and run through of use-cases where Aim Robotics dispensers have been in use with commentary on what to consider when automating a dispensing process, why automated dispensing is worth considering and how to start the process.

  • Kristian Thorsen

    S/C Development Manager, NPIDanfoss Drives

  • Thomas Sølund

    CTOSPIN Robotics

  • Mie Haraldsted

    CEO and Co-FounderAIM Robotics

  • Leo Zhou

    CEO & Co-FounderNordbo Robotics

Succesfuld produktudvikling via innovationssamarbejde DEL 1

Hall C – Startup Stage

The conference is in Danish.
Vækstprogrammerne DigitaliseringsBoost og Digital Omstilling – Innovationssamarbejder har givet over 150 virksomheder medfinansiering til at udvikle nye produkter, koncepter eller salgs- eller service platforme inden for digitalisering og Industri 4.0 i et interessant set-up i samarbejde med en anden virksomhed (eller flere andre) og en videninstitution. Hør 8 spændende virksomheder fortælle om deres produktudviklingsforløb. Hvad de har udviklet, sammen med hvem og hvad det har betydet for dem at indgå i et innovationssamarbejde som dette. Hør også hvilke muligheder din virksomhed har med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene.

Oplægget er delt i to sessions med 4 cases i hver session.

Session 1
Projektleder Lars Kristensen, Erhvervshus Fyn

Digitalisering af miljøprøver indsamlet med autonom sø-drone
Direktør Martin Stockholm og direktør Lasse Skriver Møller, Dana Dynamics ApS

30% mindre spild ved robotskæring af gipsplader
UX og Design Manager Mathilde Skov Hansen, Kobots A/S

Operational Asset Management Koncept
Chief Technical Officer Martin Krøyer, Juel & Krøyer

Verdens nemmeste og hurtigste palleteringssoftware
CSO Steen Slabiak Jensen, Robot Nordic

Dine muligheder med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene
Forretningsudvikler Steen Nymann Andersen, Erhvervshus Fyn

Gå i dialog med og stil spørgsmål til de 4 virksomheder

  • Steen Nymann Andersen

    Business DeveloperS/I Erhvervshus Fyn

  • Steen Slabiak Jensen

    CSORobot Nordic

  • Martin Krøyer

    Chief Technical OfficerJuel & Krøyer

  • Mathilde Skov Hansen

    UX & Design ManagerKobots

  • Lasse Skriver Møller


  • Martin Stockholm


  • Lars Kristensen

    ProjektlederErhvervshus Fyn

Building a Strong Future for the Danish Robot Industry

Hall A – Stage 1HOST: DI-DIGITAL
The Conference is in English

10.00-10.10: Opening by Rikke Hougaard Zeberg

10.10-10.40: Combatting the global chip shortage
Søren Manicus, Co-Founder, Indesmatech
How supply chain focus and choice of technology partners can increase robustness in electronic devices.

10.40-11.10: Industrial IoT project: Aalborg University and Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR)
Michael Porsbo, Product Manager, MiR
Preben Mogensen, Professor, Aalborg University

The Danish Industry Foundation (Industriens Fond) has financed the project Industrial IoT with 5G, which is run by Aalborg University in cooperation with the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) and Togsverd Consult. As part of the project companies are offered coaching and testing in Aalborg University 5G Smart Production Lab, where different wireless platforms can be tested in real life with swarms of or single mobile robots, and where data are moved from the robots to edge cloud. Professor Preben Mogensen will present the Lab and some of the results together with Product Manager Michael Porsbo from Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR), who will speak about their use-case and their experiences from the cooperation with Aalborg University.

11.10-11.30:– How to train your robot with Synthetic Data
Magnus Blomkvist, Developer Relations Manager, NVIDIA
NVIDIA Omniverse is an easily extensible, open platform built for virtual collaboration and real-time physically accurate simulation. Creators, designers, researchers, and engineers can connect major design tools, assets, and projects to collaborate and iterate in a shared virtual space. Developers and software providers can also easily build and sell Extensions, Apps, Connectors, and Microservices on Omniverse’s modular platform to expand its functionality.

Robotter til kommuner

The Conference is in Danish.

11.30 – 12.00:   Robotter i den offentlige velfærds tjeneste
Bo Fristed, Chef for ITK, Aarhus Kommune
Mads Bendt, Innovationschef og grundlægger, Capra Robotics

Med introduktionen af robotter i den offentlige sektor kan kommunerne reducere mange af de rutineprægede, beskidte og nedslidende arbejdsopgaver samtidig med, at den generelle drift optimeres. Robotter kan, med forskelligt værktøj, blandet andet være med til at holde byerne rene for affald på gaderne, sørge for at græsset bliver slået i parker og på fodboldbaner, fjerne tyggegummi fra fortove og salte stierne om vinteren. Robotterne kræver ikke meget, arbejder gerne på skæve tidspunkter, bidrager til et bedre arbejdsmiljø, og den kommunale medarbejder får med ét mange hænder på gaden. Med afsæt i kommunernes udfordringer og nogle konkrete eksempler vil Mads og Bo give et billede af potentialerne for de offentlige myndigheder.

12.00 – 12.30  Meningsfuld frihedsteknologi
Anne Mulberg Dahl, Chef for OK Fonden Odense
Lone Jager Lindquist, CEO, PTR Robots

OK Fonden er en non profit omsorgsorganisation, der driver hospice, bo- og behandlingssteder, socialøkonomiske virksomheder og plejehjem i Danmark. I OK fonden har man arbejdet målrettet med afprøvning, vurdering og implementering af nye teknologier for at være bedre rustet til en fremtid med knaphed på medarbejdere og en større gruppe af ældre der har behov for pleje. Anne Mulberg Dahl, vil med udgangspunkt i dette fortælle om den rejse OK Fonden er på med afprøvning af teknologi indenfor plejeområdet og hvordan et samarbejde mellem offentlig organisation og privat virksomhed kan bygges op for at sikre et godt samarbejde. Lone Jager Lindquist vil derefter fortælle om udviklingen af PTR Robotten til forflytning af patienter og genoptræning. PTR Robotten er netop udviklet i samarbejde med en offentlig institution og vil have afgørende positiv indflydelse på nogle af de store udfordringer som sundhedsområdet har.

  • Anne Mulberg Dahl

    ChefOK Fonden

  • Lone Jager Lindquist

    CEOPTR Robots

  • Mads Bendt

    Innovationschef & GrundlæggerCapra Robotics

  • Bo Fristed

    Chef for ITKAarhus Kommune

Robots as a Tool

The Conference is in English.

12.00 – 12.05: Welcome and Introduction
Moderator: Jacob Haugaard Christiansen, Journalist, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark

12.05 – 12.15: Denmark’s Robotics Industry – Bringing Technologies to New Domains
Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics
Internationally recognised as one of the world’s leading robot nations, Denmark pioneers within research, development and commercialisation of robot, automation and drone technologies. The country’s deep research expertise combined with strong development and commercial activities means that Denmark is making important contributions to extending the application of robotics technologies to an ever-increasing range of domains and industries. Whereas traditionally robots were confined to the factory floor, now robots are solving important tasks in healthcare, logistics, retail and more. Learn about Denmark’s robot and drone industry – and how researchers and companies are bringing robots to new domains.

12.05 – 12.30: Software and IoT for Robotic Applications
Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Professor, SDU Software Engineering, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Internet of things (IoT) technologies are enabling new data-driven insights about the world. At the same time advancement in robotics is enabling us to act on the insights. This talk explores the opportunities for creating new solutions by applying software technology to connect IoT technologies with robotic action in context of the FacilityCobot project.

12.30 – 12.45: A New Tool for Flexible Automation
Lars-Peter Ellekilde, CEO, Enabled Robotics
Combining the flexibility of a robot arm, the mobility of an autonomous mobile robot and an easy-to-use software creates a new level of flexibility and allows to automate a new range of applications. This presentation will introduce the solution of Enabled Robotics, the technologies and give examples of applications.

12.45 – 13.00: From Industry to Healthcare
Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute,University of Southern Denmark
Healthcare robotics builds upon many of the technology development within the industrial domain. This talk will present some of the key enabling technologies needed in the healthcare domain and how these can be transferred from the industrial domain.

13.00 – 13.15: ROPCA Ultrasound Scanner
Anders B. H. Christensen, AI & Software Engineer, ROPCA
The ARTHUR scanner by ROPCA is an automatic ultrasound scanner of finger and wrist joint. It is used to scan rheumatoid arthritis patients. The technology used in ARTHUR builds upon advanced image processing and robotic motion generation algorithms. This talk will focus on how ROPCA uses some of the technology used in industry to create a solution in the healthcare domain.

13.15 – 13.30: GENIUS: Using 5G to Fly Drones together in U-Space
Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Professor and Head of SDU UAS Centre, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
GENIUS aims to develop a novel 5G UAS network, optimized for 3D coverage of the lower airspace and providing a safe and reliable U-space where drones can fly safely side by side with manned aviation. This talk will present the main concepts in the project, which brings together major players such as Ericsson, TDC Net, and Naviair, in use cases that will be demonstrated by Lorenz Technology and by the Danish EPA.

13.30 – 13.45: Innovation Meets Reality: The Role of Compliance in Drone Operations
Cedric Burg, Innovation Manager, Lorenz Technology
Lorenz Technology develops intelligent drone solutions that enable organizations to make informed decisions and automate processes. In this talk, Lorenz Technology will explain how it leverages the GENIUS project to develop new technologies to comply with drone legislation and make drone operations safer, more efficient, and more autonomous.

13.45 – 14.05: Human-Robot Interaction as a general factor in the use of robotics
Oskar Palinko, Assistant Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Leon Bodenhagen Associate Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark

Introduction to the DAnish Human-Robot Interaction Network (DAHRIN)

14.05 – 14.30: Panel discussion
Moderator: Jacob Haugaard Christiansen, Journalist, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark

14.30: End of conference session

  • Leon Bodenhagen

    Associate ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Mikkel Christoffersen

    CEOOdense Robotics

  • Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard

    ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Lars-Peter Ellekilde

    CEOEnabled Robotics

  • Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu

    ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Anders B. H. Christensen

    AI & Software EngineerROPCA

  • Ulrik Pagh Schultz

    Professor and Head of SDU UAS CentreUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Cedric Burg

    Innovation ManagerLorenz Technology

  • Oskar Palinko

    Assistant ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Jacob Haugaard Christiansen

    JournalistUniversity Of Southern Denmark

Succesfuld produktudvikling via innovationssamarbejde DEL 2

Hall C – Startup StageHOST: ERHVERVSHUS FYN.
The Conference is in Danish.

Vækstprogrammerne DigitaliseringsBoost og Digital Omstilling – Innovationssamarbejder har givet over 150 virksomheder medfinansiering til at udvikle nye produkter, koncepter eller salgs- eller service platforme inden for digitalisering og Industri 4.0 i et interessant set-up i samarbejde med en anden virksomhed (eller flere andre) og en videninstitution. Hør 8 spændende virksomheder fortælle om deres produktudviklingsforløb. Hvad de har udviklet, sammen med hvem og hvad det har betydet for dem at indgå i et innovationssamarbejde som dette. Hør også hvilke muligheder din virksomhed har med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene.

Oplægget er delt i to sessions med 4 cases i hver session.

Session 2
Projektleder Lars Kristensen, Erhvervshus Fyn

Digitalisering af holdbarhedsbestemmelse af fødevarer
CEO og medstifter Jeanette Hvam, AmiNIC ApS

Inspektion af skibe ved hjælp af droner
Adm. dir. Mads Jørgensen og kommerciel direktør Benjamin Mejnertz, Upteko ApS

Software development in the satellite industry – the future of testing enabled by drones
Head of Software Rasmus Hasle og COO Søren Aarhus, Quadsat

Skylark IoT Serie
CEO Frank Max Laursen og R&D Manager Anders Qvistgaard Sørensen, Micro Technic

Dine muligheder med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene
Forretningsudvikler Steen Nymann Andersen, Erhvervshus Fyn

Gå i dialog med og stil spørgsmål til de 4 virksomheder

  • Jeanette Hvam

    CEO & Co-FounderAmiNIC ApS

  • Steen Nymann Andersen

    Business DeveloperS/I Erhvervshus Fyn

  • Mads Jørgensen


  • Anders Qvistgaard Sørensen

    R&D ManagerMicro Technic

  • Frank Max Laursen

    CEOMicro Technic

  • Søren Aarhus


  • Rasmus Hasle

    Head of SoftwareQuadsat

  • Benjamin Mejnertz

    Commercial DirectorUpteko

  • Lars Kristensen

    ProjektlederErhvervshus Fyn

Product Launch

Hall A -Stage 2The Conference is in English.
Moderator: Morten Nielsen, Senior Innovation Advisor, TEK Innovation, University of Southern Denmark

13.00 – 13.20: Intelligent Systems: Project code name: Cloud Control
Name: Niki Nicolas Grigoriou, CEO & Software Architect, Intelligent Systems
The key to exploit the full potential of automation is making setup and configuration easy. Not just easy for an engineer, but easy as in Do-It-Yourself. Intelligent Systems want to democratize automation and robotics – and make the world simpler, smarter, and more intuitive. Intelligent Systems are known as experts in development of high-level control and integration for larger automated logistics and production systems. The company delivers systems that make factories and warehouses smart and run fully automated with minimal human interaction. With the product code named “Cloud Control”, Intelligent Systems are building a platform that will make smart factories and Industry-4.0 easy as in DIY. And to fulfill the promise of Industry-4.0 of making automation plug’n’play.

13.25 – 13.45: Effimat: Introducing SINA – The future of intralogistics
Alexander N. Andersen, Global Business Development Manager, Effimat
SINA is developed to optimize storage, order picking and to merge intralogistics processes and flows by connecting robotics technology into one combined solution that is powerful enough to meet high picking demands at a footprint less than 10m2. The new EFFIMAT Connected software connects the entire SINA solution and allows easy integration opportunities and enables customers to pick the exact supporting robotic solutions, that is needed for their operation.

13.50 – 14:10: ROEQ: Performance Enhancement of AMRs
Carsten Sørensen, Partner, ROEQ
ROEQ continuously strives to enhance the performance and capabilities of AMRs. Our two new cart solutions increase considerably the mobile robot’s payload, allowing businesses to build more flexibility and efficiency into their internal logistics. Another ROEQ invention, bridges integration of AMR technology to production facilities with conveyors – increasing safety and reducing downtime. We look forward to sharing these MRE (Mobile Robotic Equipment) solutions with you and discussing the benefits that they can bring.

14:15 – 14:35: OnRobot Palletizer – A Complete Solution
Jørn Bak Hansen, Technical Sales Manager – North Europe/UK, OnRobot
Palletizing is a labour intensive, repetitive and low-skill application, which means that it is very suited for automation. Furthermore, palletizing is often the last process in a production line (i.e. end-of-line palletizing), which means that automation is relatively simple, and has low impact on upstream and downstream processes.

  • Niki Nicolas Grigoriou

    CEO and Software ArchitectIntelligent Systems A/S

  • Alexander Andersen

    Global Business Development ManagerEFFIMAT

  • Jørn Bak Hansen

    Technical Sales ManagerOnRobot

  • Carsten Sørensen


Keynote Speaker: Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard

Hall C – Main StageThe Keynote is in English.

15.00 – 16.00: New Frontiers for Robotics
Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard, CEO & Co-Founder REInvest Robotics and Co-Founder of Universal Robots
Robotics has its foundation in Industrial Applications, but a wide range of new markets are going to be impacted by robotics in the
coming years. Robotics will probably more dominating and disruptive than IT has been in the last decades.

  • Esben Østergaard

    CEO & Co-FounderREInvest Robotics

Startup Arena

Hall C – Startup StageModerated by Jeantte Carlsson, Founder & CEO, Tech Nordic Advocates
The conference is in English.

8 exciting startups will be doing a 12 minutes pitch of their technology:

09.30: Statzon
Kimmo Kuokkanen, CEO & Co-founder, Statzon
Statzon is “the Spotify of market intelligence” built for robotics and automation companies helping them access the needed market data and insights about their industries, competitors and target markets.

09.45: X-Drive Robots
Klaus Kesje, CSO, X-drive Robots
X-Drive Robots develops the first electric, autonomous, multifunctional rover, an outdoor robot for levelling and maintenance of riding arenas, replacing man-controlled tractors and ATVs. It is a sustainable alternative to current solutions, and it can prepare the riding arena during the night without supervision from people. We are happy to present this brand new and innovative danish developed robot for the first time to it´s full extent.

10.00: Buildcode
Martin Niminksi, CEO, Buildcode
Learn how SiteMotion reveals unknown construction risks and enables a dynamic jobsite that outperforms your competitors, with recurring planning data, consistent execution, and optimized monitoring of the jobsite.

10.15: Autonomous Units
Karsten Thinggaard, CEO & Co-founder, Autonomous Units
Did you know that visiting a hospital actually gives you highest risk of catching a new infection? Would you prefer that when you visit a hospital, you could be absolutely sure that all pathogens were removed in the places you go and touch, and that keeping yourself safe is therefore now only up to you and those you are meeting with? When you combine evidence-based disinfection technology with the world’s best Autonomous Mobile Robot you get the ultimate and consistent pathogen killer fit for those places, where only the best is good enough. Autonomous Units, a Danish company with strong roots in the Odense robotics environment, are the first in the market doing exactly that and we want people all over the world to benefit from this strong combination of technologies.

10.30: NAUST Robotics
Guifré Vidal Alcaraz, Co-Founder, NAUST Robotics
NAUST Robotics upgrades agriculture with autonomous drones. Current bird scaring techniques are ineffective, resulting in farmers losing money and time. We develop an autonomous drone (no human operator) that will patrol over the fields emitting special sounds to move birds back to natural areas. In the future, we aim to install special cameras on the drone that will allow crop monitoring techniques for the user through a mobile app.

10.45: ROBOTTO
Kenneth Richard Geipel, CEO, Robotto
This pitch with highlight how our climate crisis have caused an increase in wildfire frequency and severity, to the modern-day mega fires. How current wildfire operations are being done, and why these methods are unequipped to deal with the current situation. Lastly, why firefighters need innovating their procedures and equipment used, for the benefit of the local communities, environment, and global health.

11.00: Meili
Aldus von der Burg, CEO & Founder, Meili Robots
Meili Robots provides a universal fleet management system for mobile robots, Meili FMS. It enables robot operators to have an overview and control of their fleet, whether it be homogeneous or heterogeneous fleets by brand or application. Main features include: Traffic Management, Task & Mission Management, and Waypointing with Path Planning.

11.15: TRINITY Robotics
Anton Mauersberger, Business Development Manager, IWU Fraunhofer, TRINITY Robotics
A network of Digital Innovation Hubs supporting manufacturing SMEs to become more competitive through robotics and digital technologies
The main objective of TRINITY is to create a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed of research centers, companies, and university groups that cover a wide range of topics that can contribute to agile production: advanced robotics as the driving force and digital tools, data privacy and cyber security technologies to support the introduction of advanced robotic systems in the production processes. In two funding phases, we are supporting 37 SMEs across Europe, establishing a strong network of DIHs and SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). In addition, we have developed several practical demonstrators and modules. Via a DAP (Digital Access Point), companies have the opportunity to access our results, receive specific knowledge and tips, and ask questions or make requests for developments.

  • Karsten Thinggaard

    Co-founder and CEOAutonomous Units

  • Martin Niminski


  • Klaus Ruwai Kesje

    CSOX-Drive Robots

  • Kenneth Geipel

    Co-Founder & CEORobotto

  • Aldus Von Der Burg

    Founder and CEOMeili Robots

  • Anton Mauersberger

    Business Development ManagerFraunhofer

  • Kimmo Kuokkanen

    CEO & Co-FounderStatzon

  • Guifré Vidal

    Co-founderNAUST Robotics ApS

Autonomous Robots – Are We Ready to Release Them Into Our Society?

Hall A – Stage 1HOST: NFEA – Norsk Forening for Elektro og Automatisering.
The Conference is in English.

09.30 – 10.00: Yara Birkeland – The World’s First Zero Emission Autonomous Container Ship
Merete Østby, Digital and Continuous Improvement Manager, Yara Birkeland
Håkon Wærstad, Digital Expert & Principal Engineer, Yara Birkeland

Yara Birkeland will be taken into commercial operation in 2022, replacing 40,000 trips by diesel-powered trucks a year. As the world’s first, Yara Birkeland is paving the way for digital and autonomous land logistic solutions.
10.00 – 10.30: Transitioning to Autonomous Ports and Terminals
Michael Gallagher, COO RedRock
More information soon.

10.30 – 11.00:  Autonomous Drones for Infrastructure Inspection in Challenging Environments
Dr. Richard Moore, Senior Scientist, SINTEF Digital
Autonomous drones enable safer and more efficient inspection of infrastructire that are dangerous, time consuming or costly for humans to access. SINTEF Digital has partnered with several Norwegian start-ups to develop innovative commercial solutions in this field. In this presentation we will look at some of the underlying technologies and possibilities for autonomous drone inspection through two case studies: ScoutDI – autonomous inspection of storage tanks and enclosed spaces, and KVS Technologies – autonomous inspecton of the distribution grid in Norway.

  • Håkon Wærstad

    Digital Expert & Principal EngineerYara Birkeland

  • Merete Østby

    Digital and Continuous Improvement ManagerYara Birkeland

  • Michael Gallagher


  • Dr. Richard Moore

    Senior Research ScientistSINTEF Digital

Digital Manufacturing

Hall A – Stage 2The Conference is in English.
Moderator: Sabina Kethelz, CCO, Nordbo Robotics

09.30 – 10.00   Digitalization of Machine data as Management Tool
Lars Märcher Sandig, Founder and CEO, Trendlog.io
The founder of data company, Trendlog.oi, tells you how Danish companies utilize data from production machinery in order to prolong their lifetime, create sustainable production practices, and connect production floor to management, creating value for the day-to-day operations as well as on the financial bottom line.

10.00 – 10.30   3D-printing, Hype or Distruption?

​​​​Kristoffer Ryelund Nielsen, Business Manager, Danish Technological Institute, Center for industrial 3D-printing
Some people refer to 3D printing as the technology of the future that is going to disrupt the entire manufacturing industry. Other believe that 3D printing is too fragile, too expensive and can not be used for anything other than prototypes and Pokémon figures. In this talk, Kristoffer focuses on the actual potential of Industrial 3D printing and back it up with concrete Industry examples.

10.30 – 11.00  Case by ADMG
More information soon.

  • Lars Märcher Sandig


  • Kristoffer Ryelund Nielsen

    Business ManagerDanish Technological Institute

Innovation Board – Landbrug og Gartneri

Hall C – Agriculture ZoneHOST: ODENSE ROBOTICS.
The Conference is in Danish.

Moderator: Søren Elmer Kristensen, Projektdirektør, Odense Robotics

Del 1 – præsentation og panel
09.30    Velkomst v. Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO Odense Robotics

09.35     Introduktion til udfordringerne inden for landbrugs- og gartneribranchen.
Hvor kan teknologi spille en afgørende rolle i fremtiden?
Eric Wanscher, Head of Knowledge Center, Automation and Robotics, SDE College

09.50     Case 1. Farmdroid og kunde (to be announced)
Overvejelserne og startskuddet til investering i robotten – hvordan er det gået?
 Kristian Vest Warming, Co-Founder – Farmdroid

10.10     Case 2: Klitgaard Agro og Sprøjtedronen fra Hecto Drone.
Overvejelserne og startskuddet til investering i droneteknologi – hvordan er det gået?
Michael Bundgaard, Ejer – Klitgaard Agro, og Andreas Siggaard, CEO Hecto Drone.

10.30     Fremtidens teknologiske muligheder i branchen
Nye trends og tendenser samt præsentation af konkrete udviklingscases inden for landbrug og gartneri.
Rune Hahn Kristensen, seniorkonsulent, Teknologisk Institut, Center for Robotteknologi
Henrik Skov Midtiby, PhD og Lektor, Syddansk Universitet, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

11.00     Paneldebat: Hvordan løfter vi i flok?
Kristian Warming, CEO & Co-founder, Farmdroid
Andreas Siggard, CEO, Hecto Drone
Michael Bundgaard, Klitgaard Agro
Nicolai Fog Hansen, sektionsleder, Teknologisk Institut

Debat om, hvordan vi med vores forskellige roller kan bidrage til at udbrede nye teknologier i branchen. Eksempler på emner:

  • Landbrug, gartneri og vertical farming – herunder bud på nye samarbejder og metoder for hurtigere implementering
  • Investering og business case i ny teknologi
  • Udfordringer for innovation i branchen, herunder lovgivning i forhold til autonom kørsel/flyvning

12.00  Frokostpause og netværk

Del 2 – Demonstrationsområde
13.00     Fokus på afprøvning og udvikling

  • Kort intro til robot-og teknologivirksomhederne
  • Afprøvning/demonstration af robotter og andre teknologier på pladsen
  • Dialog og matchmaking mellem branchens aktører og teknologileverandørerne
  • Netværk

14.30     Demonstrations- og afprøvningspladsen lukker

  • Rune Hahn Kristensen

    SeniorkonsulentTeknologisk Institut

  • Søren Elmer Kristensen

    Project DirectorOdense Robotics

  • Andreas Siggaard

    CEOHecto Drone ApS

  • Nicolai Fog Hansen

    SektionslederTeknologisk Institut

  • Michael Bundgaard

    Klitgaard Agro

  • Mikkel Christoffersen

    CEOOdense Robotics

  • Eric Wanscher

    VidenscenterchefVidenscenter For Automation Og Robotteknologi

  • Kristian Warming

    Founder & Chief of Farming Robots

  • Henrik Skov Midtiby

    LektorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

Odense Investor Summit 2022

Meeting Room: Jylland and SjællandHOST: INVEST IN ODENSE

9.30 – Check-in and breakfast
Check yourself in and have some light breakfast before the program starts

10.00 – Welcome
w/ Peter Rahbæk Juel, Odense Borgmester, Anders Beck, Universal Robots & Martyna Walizewska, Odense Seed & Venture

10.15 – Keynote
Greg Smith, President of the Industrial Automation Group at Teradyne, will be giving the keynote speech

10.35 – Pitches
The investor-ready pre-selected companies will pitch to the investors

12.45 – Lunch & Networking
Grab some food and network with your fellow participants, or streach your legs and take a look around the R-22 conference

13.15 – Panel Debate
An exciting panel debate with the topic “Valuation in Robotics”

14.10 – Pitches
The investor-ready pre-selected companies will pitch to the investors

15.45 – Thank you for today
w/ Anders Beck, Universal Robots & Martyna Walizewska, Odense Seed & Venture

  • Peter Rahbæk Juel

    MayorOdense Municipality

  • Martyna Waliszewska

    Investment ManagerInvest In Odense

MADE Netværksmøde: Mobile robotter i produktionen – Informationsmøde

Meeting Room: 7 and 8.HOST: MADE – Manufacturing Academy of Denmark
The Network Meeting is in Danish.

Produktionsnetværk: Mobile robotter i produktionen – Informationsmøde

10.00     Velkomst og introduktion til MADE
International chefkonsulent, Merete Nørby, MADE

10.10     Introduktion til Produktionsnetværket samt deltagere
Netværksleder Jonas Bæch, Teknologisk Institut
Hør om muligheden for at deltage i produktionsnetværket, og hvilke temaer, netværksmøder og virksomhedsbesøg der er planlagt i 2022.

10.40     Et 10-årigt perspektiv på mobile robotter i industrien
Grundlægger Niels Jul Jacobsen, Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR)
Hør medstifter og tidligere CTO i MiR fortælle om den teknologiske udvikling af mobile robotter, og hvor teknologien er på vej hen, samt hvilke muligheder og udfordringer det bringer.

11.00     Landets største flåde af selvkørende robotter
Technical Innovation Manager Jan Steen Jørgensen, VOLA
Hør, hvordan VOLA har implementeret en af landets største flåder af selvkørende robotter i deres produktion af armaturer i Horsens for at forbedre den interne logistik. Hør, hvordan de i MADE Digital fik sparring fra eksperter og samarbejdede med andre virksomheder om løsningen.

11.15     Spørgsmål til oplægsholdere og afslutning
Netværksleder Jonas Bæch, Teknologisk Institut
Opsamling og spørgsmål til oplægsholderne, samt åben diskussion og forslag til netværket. Information om tilmelding.

11.30     Afslutning   

  • Jan Steen Jørgensen

    Technical Innovation ManagerVOLA

  • Niels Jul Jacobsen


  • Jonas Bæch

    NetværkslederTeknologisk Institut

  • Merete Nørby

    International ChefkonsulentMADE

Future Education Needs for AI & Robotics – The Finnish Way

The Conference is in English.

Robotics in Finland- From Mines to Manufacturing
Jyrki Latokartano, Chairman, The Robotics Society in Finland
Selected robotics success stories will introduce the robotics landscape in Finland. We’ll discuss the activities leading to these innovations and some reasons why they succeeded. Compared to size Finland has strong track record in developing and applying robotics into various tasks. What needs to be done to continue this progress also in the future? After this introduction other speakers of this session will present practical actions taken in Finland to make robotics education as part of the curriculum for all pupils and students.

In Riihimäki City Robotics Education is a Part of Development Strategy
Esa Santakallio, Development Director, City of Riihimäki, Finland
Reetta Viitanen, Robotics Education Senior Advisor, City of Riihimäki, Finland

City of Riihimäki is the only one in Finland where robotics education is part of city’s strategy. City of Riihimäki offers robotics education from day care to end of general upper secondary school, when most students have reached the age of 19. In Riihimäki, you can also study robotics at Hyria vocational education institute, and at Häme University of Applied Sciences. Part of robotics education curriculum content is joint in secondary and higher education level in our city. While studying robotics, the students will learn key working life skills such as teamwork, problem solving, project management, critical thinking, and information retrieval. All these skills are approached through robotics, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence as they are increasingly central to our daily lives and the way we work.

AI-Robotics Education- Co-Evolution of Solution Infrastructure and Life -Long Education
Vesa Salminen, Professor in Practice, D.Sc.(Tech.), Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
The Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring unprecedented change to societies, education organizations and business environments. It will influence on the use of AI- related robotics as well on society and industry. It will influence definitely also on education, education content, the way education is proceeded and overall whole the education business. Most important is how we relate us on inevitable co- evolution of business and changing of competences and skills to make business.

Wearable Intelligence and exoskeleton robots as a part of working life
Kimmo Vänni, Principal Research Scientist, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Industry 4.0 and the forthcoming Society 5.0 are looking forward to human-centered technology that is able to understand humans’ needs, and support them physically, mentally and socially. In addition to automation and IoT, wearable technology such as exoskeleton robots, wearable sensors and smart clothes are just now in the focus of companies and academia. Scientific articles report that exoskeleton robots are able to cut sickness absence days, and thus increase employees’ well-being and productivity. The topic of wearable intelligence is still fresh and there is a global need for distance learning and on-premises courses in wearable intelligence. Responding the demand, HAMK University is currently designing a Master Programme in Wearable Intelligence together with Aalborg University and University of Borås.

  • Reetta Viitanen

    Robotics Education Senior AdvisorCity Of Riihimäki

  • Esa Santakallio

    Development DirectorCity Of Riihimäki

  • Vesa Salminen

    Principal Research ScientistHäme University Of Applied Sciences

  • Kimmo Vänni

    Principal Research ScientistHäme University Of Applied Sciences

  • Jyrki Latokartano

    ChairmanThe Robotics Society In Finland

EU Funding Opportunities for Startups and SMEs

Hall C – Startup StageHOST: FUNDINGBOX.
The conference is in English.

EU Funding Opportunities for Startups and SMEs

Roi Rodríguez de Bernardo, Head of Deep Tech Ecosystems, FundingBox, Spain 

This session will introduce Cascade Funding, an innovative mechanism introduced by the European Commission in its Research & Development programs to distribute soft funding to start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs and/or mid-caps, in the uptake or development of digital innovation. The support offered usually consists of funding in the range of €50,000-€250,000 and support services such as training, mentoring, or access to further investment. The session will include an intro to the Cascade Funding Mechanism, the presentation of 15+ Cascade Funding Opportunities actually open in Robotics and will be followed by a fireside chat with a company from the Odense hub that already participated in one of those programs. 

  • Roi Rodríguez De Bernardo

    Head of Deep Tech EcosystemsFundingBox

Drones in the Energy Industry

The Conference is in English.

Offshore inspections, package deliveries and much more. In these years, drones are making their entrance in the energy industry. In this conference, Energy Cluster Denmark presents the work from a range of active innovation projects that are all about use of drones in the energy industry.

12.30 – 13.00: Project 1: Quali-drone
Jesper Smit, CEO, Quali-Drone ApS
The Quali-Drone project will develop an automated, drone-based approach to the inspection of surface damage to TP turbine foundations using AI algorithms and digital twins. This project has the potential to save the industry time and money, as well as to improve safety around TPs.

13:10 – 13.30: Project 3: Offshore Operating Drone (OOD)  
Benjamin Mejnertz, Partner, Upteko 
Offshore operations are usually linked with high expense rates as well as severe safety risks for the personnel involved. Maintenance of offshore oil & gas platforms is no exception.
To reduce the risks and the costs for such operations, the use of drones with monitoring devices could minimize risk and increase efficiency by reducing the cost of these operations, by identifying the locations where repair and maintenance are needed. The Project “Offshore Operating Drones” aims to monitor oil and gas assets to detect gas-leakage and initiate focused repair campaigns.

13.30 – 14.00: Auto Compact Marine Growth Remover – ACOMAR

Jesper Liniger, Assitant Professor, AAU Energy Esbjerg
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Marine growth challenges the structural integrity of offshore structures due to increased hydro dynamical loads. As a consequence, marine growth cleaning on offshore structures has been performed for many years. While the industry has shifted from driver-assisted to cleaning driven by remotely operated vehicles, the process remains costly and ineffective. This presentation explores the possibilities for introducing an increased level of automation for marine growth removal, inspection, and classification using the ACOMAR.

14.00 – 14.30: Project 2: Flexible Offshore Drone for Wind (FOD4Wind) 
Mads Jørgensen, CEO, Upteko
Lars Holm, Head of R&D, Service operations Performance, SiemensGamesa

By introducing the offshore wind sector to the new service technologies of drone operations the project aims to increase the efficiency of offshore wind parks. The project introduces fully autonomous wind turbine inspections and package deliveries using drones and fixed charging stations on offshore service vessels. With the use of drones the project presents an unseen level of autonomy and speed that will optimize the O&M cost servicing offshore wind turbines, reduce downtime, increase weather window, increase annual energy production, and reduce CO2 emissions, which in total will improve the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).

  • Jesper Liniger

    Assistant ProfessorAalborg University

  • Lars Holm Nielsen

    Head of R&DSiemensGamesa

  • Jesper Smit


  • Mads Jørgensen


  • Benjamin Mejnertz

    Commercial DirectorUpteko

Robotternes vej til byggepladsen

Hall C – Construction ZoneHOST: DI-BYGGERI & WE BUILD DENMARK.
The Conference is in Danish.

Formålet med temadagen er at vise mulighederne for at anvende robotter i byggeriet. Om formiddagen er der udstillinger, hvor deltagerne kan se konkrete løsninger i praksis. Om eftermiddagen afholdes en række faglige sessioner, der knytter sig til de generelle muligheder og udfordringer med robotter.

12.30 Hvordan sikrer vi et bedre samarbejde mellem universiteter og branchen – så robotterne kommer ud og arbejder?
Hvad er status for forskning og udvikling i robotter til byggepladsen?
Christian Thuesen, Lektor, DTU Management, Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi
Christian Schlette, Professor, Syddansk Universitet, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institutet og SDU Robotics
Àstridur Elin Àsgeirsdottir, Chef for VDC, Aarsleff

Moderator: Jakob Diget Møller, selvstændig

13.15 Er din virksomhed klar til at forløse robotternes potentiale?
Robotter har vist et kæmpe potentiale for at løfte arbejdsmiljø, produktivitet og bæredygtighed. Hvad skal der til, før din virksomhed vil lease eller købe en robot? Spørg leverandørerne om fordele og vilkår.
Peter Hartvigsen, Founder & CEO, Kobots
Finn Kirkegaard Christensen, CEO, Robot at Work

Moderator: Søren Cajus, Seniorchefkonsulent, DI-Byggeri

14.00 Robotter: Kompetencer og uddannelser 
Hvordan sikrer vi, at uddannelser og efteruddannelser holdes opdateret med teknologiudviklingen?
Mikkel Toppel Andersen, Lektor, UCL Erhvervsakademi & Professionshøjskole
Kjeld Svidt, Lektor, Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
Lars Mathiesen, Senior Innovation Manager i Digital Lead

Moderator: Kristian Bork, Forretningsudvikler, We Build Denmark

  • Mikkel Toppel

    LektorUCL University College

  • Christian Schlette

    ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Lars Mathiesen

    Senior Innovation ManagerDigital Lead

  • Kjeld Svidt

    LektorAalborg Universitet

  • Àstridur Elin Àsgeirsdottir

Panel: International Startup Growth Opportunities

The Panel Debate and talk is in English.

13.00 – 14.00: A Panel Debate on: International Startup Growth Opportunities
Moderator: Jeanette Carlsson, Founder & CEO, Tech Nordic Advocates

Panel Participants:

  • Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Partner, Magnusson Law
  • Irfan Goandal, Partner, Promentum Equity Partners
  • Jannike Borg, Founder, Acera
  • Katrine Larsen, Founder & CEO, Hococo
  • Andrew Heneghan, Enterprise Account Executive, Andgo Systems

14.00 – 14.30: What do the new EU (and Danish) Screening rules on FDI mean for robotics/automation/drone companies?
Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Partner & Co-Head of M&A and Technology, Magnusson

  • Andrew Heneghan

    Enterprise Account ExecutiveAndgo Systems

  • Jeanette Carlsson

    Founder & CEOTech Nordic Advocates

  • Katrine Larsen

    COO & Co-founderHococo

  • Jannike Borg


  • Irfan Goandal

    Co-FounderPromentum Equity Partners

  • Nikolaj Juhl Hansen


Application of Human-Robot Interaction in the Robot Industry: How Industry Professionals Could Benefit from HRI Research

The Conference is in English.

The objective of this track is to initiate collaboration between industry professionals needing better human-robot interaction and researchers in this field. SDU is launching the Danish Human-Robot Interaction Network for this purpose. Join us and find out how we can help you improve your products when they interact with people on any level.

13.30 – 13.35:  Welcome & Introduction
Søren Adamsen Mouritzen, Project Manager, Odense Robotics                      
Oskar Palinko, Assistant Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark

13.35 – 13.45: Proxemics in Human-Robot Interaction
Leon Bodenhagen, Associate Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Today robots are introduced into an increasing variety of scenarios where they operate in shared environments such as hospitals or other publicly accessible areas. To operate successfully in such domains, it is decisive to not only function correctly but also to ‘fit in’ a space populated by and designed for humans. Understanding how humans make use of space, e.g., for interacting with others, allows for robot behaviors adhering to social norms and thus avoiding unintended interference. This presentation will dive into key aspects of proxemics and how they can be utilized to achieve appropriate robot behaviour.

13.45 – 13.55: Human-Robot Interaction at Aalborg University
Matthias Rehm, Professor wsr, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University
In 2019, an interdisciplinary HRI lab has been established at the AAU that brings together expertise from such diverse disciplines as computer science, communication and psychology, electrical engineering, interaction design, AI and multimodal signal processing with the aim to create synergies from the different perspectives on human robot interaction including both technical but also societal aspects of robotics. To this end we have defined a research strategy “From Reactive to Proactive Robots” that will focus on different challenges if robots are envisioned to work side by side with humans in dynamic environments both in production contexts but also in societal context like health care, education, or commerce. This will require robots to become socially accepted, to become able to analyze human intentions in meaningful ways, and to become proactive. The presentation will give some examples of the projects currently running in the lab.

13.55 – 14.05: Persuasion and Trust
Kerstin Fischer, Prosessor wsr, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
Matouš Jelínek, PhD student, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark

In this presentation, we provide an overview of the crucial role trust plays in both industrial and social human-robot interactions, and provide examples from our own work on regulating trust in interactions with robots. Furthermore, we present applications for robots as persuasive technologies and show that robots can be very effective for inducing behavior change.

14.05 – 14.15: Non-verbal Interaction with Robots
Oskar Palinko, Assistant Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Non-verbal communication cues are very important for interaction between people. We look at the other person’s gaze, gestures, appearance, tone of speech, etc. They can be used also on robots to effectively communicate their intentions to people in their vicinity. For example, mobile robots can use light signals to communicate their intention to turn and beeping for moving in reverse. Movement gestures also contain a lot of information which people can easily interpret: a quick movement left and right can signify inability to complete a requested task. Robots can also detect and interpret people’s non-verbal signals, like body pose, eye gaze and intonation of voice. These signals can all be used either to replace or supplement verbal information and thus, provide better communication between people and robots. This in turn can lead to better acceptance of robots and better robotic products. Examples will be shown for using these cues in actual robots, for example a robotic hand sanitizer or a logistic robot for hospitals.

14.15 – 14.30  Panel Discussion

14.30: End of Conference Session 

  • Leon Bodenhagen

    Associate ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Søren Adamsen Mourtizen

    Project ManagerOdense Robotics

  • Matthias Rehm

    Professor wsrAalborg University

  • Kerstin Fischer

    Prosessor wsrUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Matouš Jelínek

    PhD StudentUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Oskar Palinko

    Assistant ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

Keynote Speaker: Kasper Bundgaard Petersen, Head of Process, Kamstrup

Hall C – Main StageThe Keynote is in English.

15.00 – 16.00: Automation and digitization the Good and the Bad
Kasper Bundgaard Petersen, Head of Process, Kamstrup.
A dialogue about the automation and digitization initiatives done at Kamstrup. The why’s, the how’s, the problems and the future. Keywords: I4.0, digitization, automation, Integrations, Robots, cobots, autonomous robots.

Kamstrup is a leading supplier of intelligent metering solutions and services. We help utilities all over the world reduce waste and optimise their production and distribution of clean water and energy, and we enable sustainable management of buildings. For more than 75 years, Kamstrup has been dedicated to delivering actionable insights to water and energy professionals, because we believe better data enables better decisions. Our solutions including meters, remote reading systems, software and services are sold in more than 90 countries. We are headquartered in Denmark with production facilities here and in Georgia, USA.

  • Kasper Bundgaard Petersen

    Head of ProcessKamstrup

Networking Dinner

Meeting Room Fyn, Odense Congress Center, Ørbækvej 350, 5220 Odense SØ 

Partners, exhibitors, and other stakeholders are invited to attend an R-22 networking dinner in connection with the execution of the Nordic robotics event.

Don’t miss out on an exciting event with plenty of opportunities to network and exchange experiences with other industry professionals. Partners, exhibitors, and other stakeholders of R-22 are invited to attend an exclusive networking dinner with a delicious 3-course menu, drinks, and entertainment.

The R-22 networking dinner will take place in Meeting Room Fyn in Odense Congress Center


Workshop: Lær at programmere med Dobots

The Workshop is in Danish.

For elever fra 9. og 10. klasse.

Det handler om at regne den ud, så robotten kan regne for dig. Vi bygger videre på den viden, du har fra grundskolen om blokprogrammering til at udforske robottens muligheder.
Du prøver at programmere og styre vores robotarme og vil finde ud af, hvordan robotteknologi bruges ude i robotvirksomhederne, hvor du måske vil få job engang?
Er du klar?

Viste du, at du kan lære om robotteknologi i forskellige erhvervsuddannelser?:

  • Uddannelsen til automatiktekniker er for dig, der er begejstret for at finde fejl, reparere og vedligeholde maskiner og produktionsanlæg.
  • Elektrikeruddannelsen er for dig, der er fascineret af teknik, programmering og at få noget til at virke.
  • Industriteknikeruddannelsen er for dig, der interesserer sig for at producere sig til de fedeste komponenter i metal og plast ved hjælp af store tekniske maskiner og anlæg – og herefter bearbejde det enkelte element med fuldkommen nøjagtighed.
  • Uddannelsen til smed er for dig, der vil arbejde med ny teknologi som svejserobotter og idéudvikling – og være med at skabe ting.
  • Brian Marthinsen

    VærkstedsassistentVidenscenter For Automation Og Robotteknologi

  • Martin Pedersen

    LærerVidenscenter For Automation Og Robotteknologi

Workshop: Den hurtigste robot på banen

The Workshop is in Danish.

For elever i 9. og 10. klasse samt 1.G.

På R-22 kan I opleve, hvordan matematik har en vigtig funktion i robotter. Opgaven er enkel, nemlig at programmere den hurtigste robot, men løsningen afhænger af både forståelse for, indsigt i og kreativ anvendelse af matematik til at styre robotten rundt på banen. Forud for jeres besøg på R-22 vil klassen modtage materiale, der klæder jer godt på til opgaven. Kom og være med til en sjov workshop med fokus på leg samtidig med, at I får nye vinkler på matematikken.

  • Jørgen Christian Larsen

    Ph.d, CivilingeniørTeknologiskolen

  • Jacob Nielsen

    Ph.d., LektorTeknologiskolen

Advanced Manufacturing

Hall A – Stage 1The Conference is in English.
Moderator: Sabina Kethelz, CCO, Nordbo Robotics

09.30 – 10.00: Flexible AIV Solution – Future Factory, Danfoss Power Solutions
Martin Ole Madsen, Manager- Operations Excellence SVS EUR, Danfoss Power Solutions
Helge Christian Winkler Hansen, Project Engineer, Future Factory, Danfoss Power Solutions
Kenneth Pedersen, Product Manager, Automation, Gibotech
How to create a modular and flexible solution that can contribute to the internal transport in a large factory, where the products vary in both weight and size? How do we ensure the right fleet management and system integration against existing systems? A collaboration between Danfoss Power Solutions and Gibotech.

10.00 – 10.30: Modular Automation and Future Production
Gert Petersen, Project Manager, Global Engineering – Packaging, Christian Hansen A/S
Casper Hansen, CEO, Technicon A/S

Chr. Hansen A/S is a global industrial frontrunner company. How does flexible automation fit in and what are the goals and gains? Experience the collaboration between Chr. Hansen A/S and Technicon A/S

10.30 – 11.00: Optimization of welding quality using Collaborative Robot RBCobot™ 
Lars Jakobsen, CEO, UNIWELCO ApS
Speaker from Kongkilde Industries A/S – to be announced

The way to make better Welding easy

  • Lars Jakobsen

    CEOUniwelco ApS

  • Helge Christian Winkler Hansen

    Project EngineerDanfoss Power Solutions

  • Martin Ole Madsen

    Manager – Operations Excellence SVS EURDanfoss Power Solutions

  • Kenneth Pedersen

    Product Manager, AutomationGibotech

  • Gert Petersen

    Project ManagerChristian Hansen A/S

  • Casper Hansen


Private and Public Collaboration in the Development of New Robotic Solutions for Hospitals

The Conference is in English.

09.30 – 11.00: Private and Public Collaboration in the Development of New Robotic Solutions for Hospitals
Søren Udby, Programme Manager, CCR
Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Professor in Medical Robots, SDU/MMMI & Head of Research, CCR

One of the main tasks for the new Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR) at Odense University Hospital is to facilitate collaboration between private companies, clinicians at the hospital, and researchers at SDU. CCR has a project-based approach to facilitate this, which aims to make the process easier, faster, and better for all parties. Søren and Rajeeth will give examples of projects and learnings.

  • Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu

    ProfessorUniversity Of Southern Denmark

  • Søren Udby

    Programme ManagerCCR – Centre For Clinical Robotics

Diversity in Robotics

The Conference is in Danish.
For elever og studerende.

  • Kl. 10.30: Velkommen v/ Universal Robots og Technology Denmark
  • Kl. 10.45: Oplæg: “Fremtidens robotter og uddannelsesvejen dertil” v/ IT-Landsholdet og High5Girls
  • Kl. 11.05: Talk & Opvisning: “Augmented Reality for Human-Robot-Collaboration” (engelsk v/ Krzyzstof Zielinski fra Universal Robots)
  • Kl. 11.30: Paneldebat: “Diversitet i robotbranchen – fra fed uddannelse til attraktiv karriere”
  • Kl. 12.00: Launch of Talents in Robotics Scholarship
  • Kl. 12.10: Opvisning: Hverdagsrobotter v/ IT-Landsholdet og High5Girls
  • Kl. 12.30: Officiel sceneprogram slutter
  • Kl. 12.30: Netværk: Mød IT-landsholdet, High5Girls og uddannelsesinstitutionerne
  • Nanna Larsen

    Datalogi & Informatik på RUCIT-Landsholdet

  • Krzyzstof Zielinski

    Industrial ph.d.Universal Robots

  • Simone Randrup

    IT-produktudvikling på Aarhus UniversitetIT-Landsholdet

  • Julie Jensen

    Softwareudvikling på UCLIT-Landsholdet

  • Marie Riskjær

    Datalogi & informatik på RUCIT-Landsholdet

  • Sofie Madsen

    Software Engineering på SDUIT-Landsholdet

  • Amalie Sander

    Software Engineering på SDUIT-Landsholdet

  • Mia De Fries

    Datamatiker på Copenhagen Business AcademyIT-Landsholdet

  • Malene Hansen

    Data Engineer fra Copenhagen Business AcademyIT-Landsholdet

Cyber Threats against Industrial Robots – hackable or protected?

Hall A – Stage 1HOST: SECURIOT
The talk is in English.

11.30 – 12.00: Cyber Threats against Industrial Robots – hackable or protected?
Jørgen E. Hartig, Strategic Advisor & Partner, Securiot
Implementation of new technologies and increased need for connectivity are a part of the modern factory floor. Deployment of Industrial robots is a clear example of this. They perform important functions on the production flow, and therefore are “uptime” and precision often very critical, but can they be hacked or modified, and what are best practices about protecting them against cyberattacks? This talk will inspire you to approaches to secure your industrial robot infrastructure.

  • Jørgen Hartig

    CEO & PartnerSecuriot

Panel: Promoting and Supporting Female Tech Founders/Leaders

The Panel Debate is in English.

A Panel Debate on: Promoting and Supporting Female Tech Founders/Leaders
Moderator: Jeanette Carlsson, Founder & CEO, Tech Nordic Advocates

Panel Participants:

  • Thuri Kledahl, Founder, VR-Nature
  • Mie Haraldsted, Chief Executive Officer, Aim-Robotics
  • Vera Reshetina, Founder & CEO, Workee
  • Mie Haraldsted

    CEO and Co-FounderAIM Robotics

  • Jeanette Carlsson

    Founder & CEOTech Nordic Advocates

  • Vera Reshetina

    Founder & CEOWorkee

  • Thuri Kledal

    Founder & CEOVR-Nature

Hvad laver en robotingeniør?

The Talk is in Danish.

For studerende i 2.G og 3.G.

13.-00 – 13.45 Hvad laver en robotingeniør?
Mikkel Skov Maarssø, studerer Robotteknologi
Wilbert Peter Empleo, studerer Robotteknologi

Drømmer du om en fremtid indenfor robotindustrien? Som ingeniør i robotteknologi får du en billet på første række i denne rivende udvikling. Hør Robotteknologi-studerende fortælle om studiet, adgangskravene og mulighederne efter endt studie.

  • Wilbert Peter Empleo

    Studerer RobotteknologiSyddansk Universitet

  • Mikkel Skov Maarssø

    Studerer RobotteknologiSyddansk Universitet

Partnerskaber i Verdens bedste robotby i børnehøjde

The Conference is in Danish.

Moderator: Hanne Dollerup, direktør, Børne-og ungeforvaltningen, Odense Kommune

Kom og hør, hvorfor børn og unge i Verdens bedste robotby er et vigtigt fælles fokus. Mød Hanne Dollerup, direktør for Børn- og Ungeforvaltningen i Odense Kommune, der fortæller om den ambitiøse vision for børn og unge i Robotbyen. Se gode eksempler på, hvordan  engagerede virksomheder samarbejder med skoler og uddannelsesinstitutioner om at dyrke et rigt økosystem i Verdens bedste robotby, og hør mere om muligheder for samarbejder og partnerskaber.

Verdens bedste robotby – et børneperspektiv
Hanne Dollerup, Adm. Direktør, Børn og Ungeforvaltningen, Odense Kommune

Værdiskabelse gennem partnerskaber om robotbyens børn- og unge
Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics

Partner i Verdens Bedste Robotby: sådan møder MIR robotbyens børn og unge
Denise Innocenti, Group Marketing Manager, MIR
Freja Hanmer, Software Engineer, MIR

Robotbyens børn på banen: elever fra 6B pitcher deres projekt for virksomheden Oxygen.
Maria Navntoft Henningsen, projektleder Coding Class, UngOdense
Elever fra 6B, Kroggårdsskolen,
Lene Egelykke Pedersen, lærer,  Kroggårdsskolen
Claus Tjelum Winther, Partner, Oxygen,

Dialog og refleksioner – fælles fremtid?

  • Lene Egelykke Pedersen

  • Maria Navntoft Henningsen


  • Hanne Dollerup

    DirektørOdense Kommune

  • Mikkel Christoffersen

    CEOOdense Robotics

Bedre velfærd gennem Robotteknologi

The Talk is in Danish.

For studerende i 2.G og 3.G.

13.45 – 14.30  Bedre velfærd gennem Robotteknologi
Marianne Viola Petersen, studerer Sundheds- og Velfærdsteknologi
Anne-Marie Kaas Nielsen, studerer Sundheds- og Velfærdsteknologi

Hvad har sæler og robotter tilfælles? Umiddelbart ikke meget, og en robotsæl kan måske også lyde mærkeligt – men ikke desto mindre så findes det og bruges med stor succes til behandling af demente. Deltag i dette oplæg og hør mere om, hvordan du som robotingeniør i sundheds- og velfærdsteknologi kan være med til at sikre en bedre velfærd med robotter.

  • Anne-Marie Kaas Nielsen

    Studerer Sundheds- og velfærdsteknologiSyddansk Universitet

  • Marianne Viola Petersen

    Studerer Sundheds- og velfærdsteknologiSyddansk Universitet


Stand-up show med Thomas Warberg

Hall C – Main StageThe Stand-up Show is in Danish.

Efter 3 dage spækket med faglige oplæg, runder vi R-22 af, og går på weekend, med et godt grin til et stand-up show med Thomas Warberg.

Thomas Warberg har lagt sig i spidsen som en af landets absolut skarpeste og teknisk overlegne komikere. Thomas går altid direkte efter comedy’ens sjæl: Det latterligt sjove – uden indpakning og fine fornemmelser. Thomas Warberg var i efteråret 2021 landet rundt med sit nyeste anmelderroste One-man show “Et storslået Menneske”, der stillede skarpt på de mange subjektive versioner af virkeligheden, som vi bliver konfronteret med i hverdagen.

I 2014 leverede Thomas sit første one-man show WARBERG COMEDY TOUR ’14 og allerede igen i 2016 turnerede han med det anmelderroste show WARBERG COMEDY TOUR ’16, som i den grad begejstrede publikum og anmeldere. I 2019 var Thomas Warberg endnu en gang aktuel med showet ”Perfektion, Overskud & andre Lorteord” i efteråret 2019.
Hans shows har også høstet både 5 og 6 stjerner!

  • Thomas Warberg




march 23 (Wednesday) - 25 (Friday) (Event timezone)(GMT+01:00)


Odense Congress Center

Ørbækvej 350 5220 Odense SØ Denmark

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