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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Danish next-gen invoicing platform boosts pre-seed funding to €1.1 million with new investors

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Copenhagen-based Dealflow has extended its pre-seed funding round to €1.1 million. The funding came from a mix of existing and new investors, including Petter Made, Ralf Reichert, Thorbjørn Rønje, Daniel Dippold’s Ewor, and several business angels like Quinten Selhorst, Erik Hallum, and Alexandros Bottenbruch. This follows a significant $700,000 pre-seed round reported in December 2023, which was one of the highest-valued rounds in the Nordic region for that year. Dealflow plans to use this investment to enhance its platform and onboard more companies. The company has seen significant growth, with its waitlist increasing by over 14,000% and a substantial rise in the volumes processed through its platform.

Dealflow is an innovative invoicing platform designed for global companies, uniquely combining free global transfers, instant payouts, and payment flow automation. Founded by Seb Haugeto and Sid Mudgal, the company emerged from the founders’ frustrations with traditional invoicing while balancing careers in computer science and travel influencing. With a strong remote team, Dealflow aims to alleviate the financial administrative burdens that hinder business growth, empowering entrepreneurs to focus on building the future. The platform aspires to revolutionize financial processes and contribute to a more efficient and equitable economic system.

Click to read more funding news.

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Nurcin Metingil
Nurcin Metingil
A permanent student, a passionate first reader and nowadays doing master’s degree in Publishing Management. Beside these, I am up for games! I have been playing games since I was 6. Now, I am whispering "Business. Business. Numbers. Is this working?"

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