
Zipipop wins at Mobile 2.0 Europe

Zipipop won the competition for the best Early Stage Start-up at Mobile 2.0 Europe in Barcelona. The winning service application was Zipiko (more about Zipiko here). The grand prize was an invitation to present at the next Mobile 2.0 event on 3 November in San Francisco – the home of Mobile 2.0.

Arctic Startup talked to Helene Auramo, Zipipop CEO, after it was announced that they would win. Here’s Helene’s feelings after the announcement:

During the seminar we were just working in the corridors, coding and other stuff.We would have wanted to listen to all the great presentations, but we just didn’t have time. We were really nervous during the whole seminar and we were not expecting anything like this at all. When they announced that we won, we were just really surprised. After the winning we just went back to working, sending press releases and more coding. And after that some champagne and relaxing.

We come back on Monday to our new office in Museokatu, Helsinki, and then we will focus on developing Zipiko service even better. We are hoping to receive a lot of feedback that we can make it even better.


We want to thank also all “Mennäänkö Yhdelle?” users for their feedback that we could use to make Zipiko service as good as possible. We are so grateful for everyone who has helped us and giving us good advices.

We congratulate Zipipop for the great achievement so far! The service is in closed public beta and we’re waiting to see how it will go down with the wider public when it opens up and whether Zipipop can lure enough advertisers to sign up.

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