
Your Last Minute Slush To-Do List

You have set your goals, have some meetings scheduled, maybe went for some prep events and asked for advice from the right people. Now the countdown has begun and it’s time for you to get out there and start your Slush adventure. Take a look at our quick guide for some last-minute preparation.

Do your research

You can only get so much out of an event like Slush as you are willing to put in. It’s not too late to do your research if you haven’t done so. Know who you’re going to meet with, so you can maximize efficiency. Be prepared to answer the questions that arise and ask the right ones yourself.

Tame the territory

Use the Slush app or website to familiarize yourself with the floorplan. The venue is huge, it’s dark, it’s lit, it’s packed with people and you can only move fast if you know where you’re going. Know your meeting points, refreshment stations and always move with a purpose. If you can, set some time aside for yourself to just wander around and let serendipity happen.

Set your story straight. Be honest

Whether you are looking for investors, business partners or media coverage, the most important asset you have is your story. Never underestimate the power of a compelling story. I am sure you have one, you just need to find the right way to tell it. And the one thing that should be at the core of your every action: honesty.

Stick to your agenda

Stage programs, side events, meetings, parties… It’s just too much. Accept the fact that you can’t be everywhere all the time and come over your FoMo. It’s a false driver that does not serve you in any ways. It’s so easy to get distracted, but you have to keep your eye on the prize: you’ve set your agenda for a reason, now try to stick to it.

Follow up makes all the difference

Being at Slush is a fun but very overwhelming experience. Not only for you, but for all the people you’ve connected with. If you have a follow-up strategy from the beginning than you can really stand out and make sure they remember you. Follow-up needs to be personalized, actionable and efficient. Try creating a follow-up form for yourself that you can instantly send out with customized details so you can continue the conversation.

Hungry for more? Download our ultimate event hacking guide here with templates and useful links. 

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