
World’s Easiest E­-commerce Platform?

With Printmotor Stores anyone anywhere in the world can open a webstore selling printed goods – without financial risk.

Helsinki based startup Printmotor – known as an on-demand printing company – has launched an e-commerce platform that empowers anyone to sell products at the global market.

The CEO of Printmotor, Aku Mutanen, says their goal was to develop world’s simplest on-­demand e-commerce platform after launching first API-based service in January.

“With Printmotor Stores anyone anywhere in the world can open a webstore. Printmotor handles payments, production of goods, logistics as well as customer service,” says Mutanen while discussing about their concept in comparison to Tictail or Shopify.

There is no cost for opening or running your own store, and the sellers can define their own price lists for their selection.

“The platform has huge potential for photographers, illustrators, designers, bands, sports clubs, school classes, kindergartens, politicians, public causes or anyone else who wants to easily start a business or raise money. Sellers can concentrate on designing beautiful products and marketing them to their potential customers,” adds Mutanen.

With Printmotor, you can add your design and touch in their platform’s product selection. Photo:

The products are made in Helsinki within 48 hours after the order – And in Nordics and Baltics the delivery time will be from 2–3 days. While 95% of the orders are delivered somewhere else than in Helsinki, Printmotor is planning to open production also in other markets during 2016.

But first it’s time to grow, says Mutanen determinately:

“We want to get thousands of sellers by the end of this year.”

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