
Why Should You Go To Conferences? Arctic15 Very Early Bird Ticket Sales End In 24 Hours

So you may have heard that we are organizing a conference called Arctic15:Exit Path on the 27th-28th of May in Helsinki. The question is why? Not just why are we organizing our conference, but why should you go to conferences in general and Arctic15 specifically.

Our team has been to over 100 conferences/events in the past couple of years, and in the process we have learned a few key points on why you should attend them and how to make the most out of it. In the process we have identified a few key points about good events:

  • They are not about listening to keynotes, they are about meeting people.
  • They are not about talking, they are about enabling actions.
  • They are all about putting the right people into the room together.
So based on that, we wanted to create an event, which is focused on value. We also wanted to help people understand that they need to network and meet people. So with that, we created The Exit Path – a conference structure that makes sense.

    The main stage agenda will go through the general lifecycle of the company, so you will know which keynotes to listen to and which ones to spend networking. Ideally and at any conference, you should listen to 2-3 keynotes and actually get a return on your investment during the rest of the time through meeting key people. We know that, and we built the conference around that. We still have amazing speakers, you can check them out here.

    We also want to enable multiple meetings for everyone. This includes speed dating & matchmaking with investors, 1-on-1 meetings with speakers, co-founder speed-dating and a lot more.

 The matchmaking will include speed-dating to get acquainted and longer meetings as follow ups. This will allow you to start talking about actions earlier, as you will have two meetings instead of one. 

    Finally, we want the right people in the room, so we are not compromising on quality and want to have a smaller size event with the right people there, so that every person you bump into will have a higher chance of being your next key partner/connection/investment/investor.

    Very Early Bird Ticket Sales End Tomorrow

    So before we go on to explain who the event is for, please keep in mind that our Very Early Bird tickets end tomorrow at 12:00 EEST. You can get them here, while there is still time.

    Arctic15 For Investors:

    Investors, we understand you, we have talked to you and we will deliver. We know that you are in the exit business, and that deal-flow is just one side of the coin. Our goal is to give you 2-4 months of work in 2 days.

    So with that in mind we will get you a lot of value:

  • Best up and coming startups from the region.
  • Good mix of unknown startups: For example through our Launch Event, where brand new startups will launch at Arctic15.
  • Speed Dating: Meet a lot of startups quickly.
  • Matchmaking: Have longer meetings with your favorite ones and start talking actions right away.
  • Syndicating with other investors: Start talking to other investors right away and get deals done.
  • Accredited investors will also get a very special offer. For accreditation, please e-mail to info (a)

    Arctic15 For Startups:

    For startups, it is about investors, media exposure, user acquisition, money & advice. So let’s make this simple:

  • Investors: We are aiming for 10% investor attendees, which is higher than most startup conferences out there.
  • Money: We are hosting a startup pitching competition that you can apply to here. First prize is over €14,000 including €5,000 in cash.
  • Media & Exposure: We are media, so we will cover the event extensively. As it happens we also know a lot of other media, so there will be plenty of press present. Finally we have an “Arctic15 Launch” event, where you will be able to launch right there and then. Read more about that and apply here.
  • Advice: Unlike many other conferences, you will actually have a chance to have 1-on-1’s with most of the speakers, there will be legal counselling rooms and plenty of opportunities to make meetings with people in the conference.
  • Got Questions? We will answer all of them.

    If you have any questions and for some reason are still not convinced, please check out the website and then drop us an e-mail to editor (a) or a tweet and we will get back to you. To get the tickets, go here and if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities – send an e-mail to sales (a)

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