
We Need Your Help To Build Online Startup/Investor Matchmaking At Garage48

The past week was pretty crazy and as mentioned in our “resurrection” post, we really need your help on the 19th to 21st of November at Garage48. In short, as a non-profit organization we need to derive income from somewhere, but we only want to do so while helping the community to come together. In fact, our new motto is “To promote connectedness amongst all members of the start-up community in the Nordic/Baltic and European regions” and in order to do so, we want to build an ArcticStartup Matchmaking tool for startups and investors alike.

After Arctic15, we could not help but notice the popularity of our matchmaking service at the event and we also saw a few key differences between our approach and that of Angel List, so we decided that there could be space for a matchmaking of the north thanks to our central location in the community. We have already spoken to both startups and investors and many of them are thrilled.

We honestly could not think of a better way to do it other than giving the steering wheel to the community and this can be achieved at Garage48 in Helsinki. Garage48 has become a very popular hackathon where developers, marketers and designers meet to bring a prototype to life in just 48 hours of hardcore hacking and marketing magic. ArcticStartup has covered G48 in the past and we think that this an event that you simply must attend at least once in order to network, connect and build great startups. Many great companies have had their start at this event, most notably: Campalyst, Qminder and Mightyfingers.

For a very reasonable price tag, you will be able to enjoy the hackathon as well as attend Slush. With all the food and drinks included, both events are virtually free and this is probably the cheapest way to go to Slush. So if you think that you would like to contribute to the creation of the Nordic Startup/Investor matchmaking please register for the event and join our team as a developer, marketer or a designer.

And also, if you have any ideas of how a service like this could work, please let us know! Our goal is to provide something better than just a directory.

-ArcticStartup Team

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