
Uplause Crosses 2 Million Audience Mark

When we called Uplause the Real World Massively Multiplayer Crowd Games, we weren’t wrong at all. The developers who create games for large events to enable the audience to collectively play interactive mini games. Uplause has recently made news with registering a milestone of hitting 2 million users.

That’s quite an achievement, given that they had hit the 1.5 million mark back in February coming about in just 14 months since the startup launched. It definitely adds a lot of fun to your experience of watching a game, but as I mentioned in my earlier post that Uplause has the right ingredients to be everyone’s favorite. Interactivity being the major winner here, something that brands can readily leverage to their advantage, ensuring the audience is never bored to make an exit.

The site has put up some events along with the number of spectators and I must say that the viewership is quite evenly distributed. You have got the Finnish Hockey League with over 73,000 spectators, the FIBA World Championship with 559,123 spectators and a lot more. That simply translates to the fact that Uplause is everywhere and that a lot of folks are loving it. If I can put it more simply, whatever is engaging and keeps the consumers interested is bound to be a hit, Uplause has definitely struck the right cords here.

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