
Updates From The Latest Garage48

Twenty-five teams came together at the latest Garage48 hackathon in Riga, where the focus this season was primarily on mobile apps. Of the 25 teams, 13 were able to prototype an app, and last Friday the teams presented a variety of interesting projects. The winner of Garage48 and the audience favorite was Mustache Ninja, who put together a location-based Pacman type game that uses the streets around you.

Mustache Ninja uses your smartphone’s navigation system to build a game map and place Pacman-like dots on the streets around you. To play the game you must run around and collect these dots, while also running away from the red bad-guy ninjas. The game reminds me of pacmanhattan, but it looks like a good execution.

The runner up at Garage 48 was, who put together a digital way for couples to leave those “love locks” you see locked on bridges and fences in romantic areas. You can leave your lock to be visible on an online map, and if you want your lock to stay more permanently on the map, you can pay for a fancier digital lock.

Another app that caught my eye was Groupocracy. The application gives the ability to vote on whole parliamentary proposals as well as parts of them, giving politicians the most complete overview of what the votees actually think about a given project.

You can find the rest of the projects developed at the latest Garage48 here.

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