
TOP 30 Nordic & Baltic Startups Showing Us Future Trends


Shhh. Don’t tell anyone, but we know what the future holds. We might not yet know the next Facebook or Apple, but every year we select TOP 30 startups for our pitching competition and they tend to show the trends of the future very clearly.

In this years Microsoft Pitching Competition at Arctic15, we have selected companies and startups that solve real problems, look to the future, have traction and above all – have the potential to make a difference. This year, we have: AI, chat-bots, education, hardware and more.

Check out our finalists below and don’t forget to vote, as you can influence who gets into the TOP15 and then into the finals, where one lucky company will receive a 50 000 EUR investment on behalf of FIBAN.

Without further adieu, here are the TOP 30 hottest startups in the Nordics and Baltics this year:

3DBear, Finland – Instead of creating an educational toy, this startup lets kids create their own toys in VR/AR and other next generation tools.

AlphaBlues, Estonia – Imagine cutting down most of your customer service costs completely? This fully automated customer service chat bot is promising to do just that.

BroadBit Batteries, Finland – Batteries are one of the major limits of technology. This company is promosing to break that limit with a completely new battery technology.

CAP Data, Finland – What if AI would be in charge of your Cybersecurity? CAP Data is making one.

Choicely, Finland – Likes and comments are a thing of the past. Video, and live interaction is where we are headed and Choicely is already there.

Clerk.AI, Sweden/Estonia, Wouldn’t you love it if someone would just pull all your receipts, itineraries and other data and send it directly to accounting? What if it was an AI bot that did it all for you?

Edurio, Latvia Schools used to be completely top-down. Edurio is changing that by helping students, teachers and families to give live and data based feedback.

eMedi Innovations Oy / Lääkä, Finland -Booking the right doctor at the right time and for an affordable price can be a nightmare. This company fixes that.

Festivality, Estonia – Got an event? Well, you now also have an immediate and customized event app by Festivality that also acts as an additional source of revenue and actionable analytics.

HALA, Latvia – 90% of TOP 500 companies are using SAP. HALA makes that process nearly frictionless using a cognitive computing system.

Keystroke DNA, Estonia No more fingerprint scanners or password. Just type and your computer will recognize you based on your keystrokes alone. Yes, it is possible.

Narrafy, Norway Broken heart? No problem. This chat-bot will be there if it happens and will potentially not only help people but save lives.

PenguinUp (Banjara AS), Norway – Think of this one as a lovely mix of Uber/Taxi/Carsharing and basically any other mode of transportation options put into one.

SceneThere, Sweden – A company that not only solved moving in VR but also helps you explore real VR worlds in a new way.

Signality, Sweden – If you are into sports – you have never seen anything like it. Imagine having all possible statistics displayed all the time and live?

Skidos Labs, Denmark – One way to make kids learn from computer games is to make games they already enjoy – educational. This is what Skidos does using their own SDK for developers.

Smartboard, Estonia – Finally, a company that takes board-games to the next level using technology.

Softagram, Finland – Reading and understanding existing code is a huge problem. Especially for new team members. Softagram makes all code – visual and easy to follow.

Speedhire, Finland – This startup makes a promise to make hiring faster and simpler than ever before.

Sphebotics, Estonia – Making any solar panel installation efficient year-round.

TalentAdore, Finland – Replying to hundreds of job applicants is tiresome, but automated replies kill your company value. Solution? TalentAdore, a virtual recruitment assistant that deals with each applicant in a personalized way.

Mightifier, Finland – Mightifier app helps students master their social skills by teaching peer positive feedback., Denmark – Tours come in all shapes and sizes, making it difficult to standardize for an online format. Tourboks is solving that problem and looking to become for tours., Estonia – Everyone hates dealing with receipts and there is still no winner in this market, despite numerous attempts. has a solution that could be it.

Vessla, Finland – Electronic displays that basically don’t take any energy, can be put anywhere and help us towards going paperless.

Videoly, Finland – The simplest way to add product videos to online stores. Five minutes and you got them.

Visionary, Latvia – Hardware device that helps reduce eye strain. Given we are all behind computer screens pretty much 100% of the time, this device could not be more timely.

Witrafi Oy, Finland – This company knows where to park. No more circling around the block or taking your chances on the next corner.

Xlab Oy, Finland – An exciting approach towards fan cameras at sports that has the chance to introduce a totally new niche to the industry.

Zero Keyboard, Finland – Nobody likes to input CRM data or to update it. Well, with Zerokeyboard you don’t have to as they promise a completely keyboardless solution.

You also get a chance to influence who will be in the TOP15 of the competition by leaving your vote below:

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