
Thingspotter Helps You Find And Share Products

Need to find a gift for the holidays? Or do you find a lot of cool items on the web, and want to share them with a community who also likes unique stuff? A Swedish startup called Thingspotter might be the website for you. Thingspotter is a social product sharing service that helps you find, collect, organize, and share cool products you find on the internet. They describe themselves as “Like Twitter, but for physical things.”

Thingspotter’s colorful website has a lot of cool stuff featured for any demographic or interest. To get looking at stuff, you can sort products by Things, Collections, or people you follow. The Things tab lets you see the most popular products that have been put on people’s feed or wishlist, so you can see a wide variety of interesting stuff.

I really like the “Collections” tab, which lets users categorize and collect objects they see. Some interesting Categories I saw include “Urban Ninja” with handy ninja stuff, and “This is not what it seems to be” with things like iphone skins that looks like cassette tape. A service that can organize products across online webstores seems useful because it can be a chaotic mess trying to find similar items out there.

Hovering your mouse over an item lets you do several social features. You can “Spot” the item and add it to your feed, you can add the item to your wishlist, you can click a button saying you own the item, or you can recommend the item to one of your friends. Many of the items also have prices shown, and links to the website where someone found the product.

Thingspotter is run by Tom Söderlund of Tomorroworld, and Paulina Modlitba Söderlund of Stardoll.


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