
Tellyo Helps You Share Big Brother TV Moments, Like Nokia Analysis

You can’t say Finnish startup Tellyo isn’t bringing real value to the world. With their solution you can grab moments from shows like Celebrity Big Brother to share cutting edge analysis of the Nokia acquisition by aging Finnish celebrities, for example.

For those of you who don’t speak Finnish or are not steeped in Finnish culture, the rundown of the conversation between the ‘machostyle’ disco star Frederick with some celebrity name Jori is a discussion of the details of the Nokia acquisition. Meanwhile aging rocker Andy McCoy follows the conversation.

Jori: Microsoft didn’t buy the entire mobile phone business, only Lumia series – was it so?
Frederik: No no, I think everything went. Ashas and all that shit. Maps stayed there, patents stayed there and things like that.
Jori: It is rough, it is rough, but if workplaces were saved then we need to trust on it…

Tellyo integrated their service into MTV3’s second screen mobile websites, allowing visitors to to tap a red button on the top right of the app to grab the last 30 second of live television to share with their friends, like a mini, sharable DVR.

I’ve been following the company for some time, so it’s cool to see them launched and in action. It’s perfect for sharing little dumb clips like the following on Twitter, seconds after they happen.

This following conversation basically goes:

Frederik: Are you a rapper?
Aleks: No, I’m no rapper. I am Mr. Gay Finland
Frederik: Well, there we have an awesome dude!

I may have sounded sarcastic when describing Tellyo in the beginning of this article, but allowing more spontaneous sharing in real-time is a big value drivers for broadcasters like Finland’s MTV, who are looking for more people to change the channel over to theirs, or to use their online video platforms.

Big brother has broken all Finnish social TV records, receiving 22,000 tweets on their official hashtag during the premier day. The show peaked at 900,000 simultaneous viewers during the premier. The tweeting peaked when Andy McCoy came in, at 565 tweets per minute.

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