
Technology Reaches even the Salad Bar

Technology has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our live, but the salad buffet? Fazer FoodServices, Metos, Mikkeli’s university of applied sciences and AgentIT have innovated a complete system that will turn healthy eating from a hassle into a quick lifestyle. The Hackman Nutrime Smart Buffet is a computerized self-service food counter which displays the nutritional values of you food, and by doing so, can lead diners to healthier food choices in a less judging tone than a personal trainer.

Inbuilt scales will measure the weight of the desired dish and turn that digit into a calorie value. A personal smart card on your food tray will wirelessly communicate with the food counter, and together they will execute the cunning plot to silently murder your unnecessary body fat by grease deprivation.

At the end of every meal you can have your meal’s nutrition analysis, or a weekly report if you’re a hardcore user, either printed on the spot or sent to you by email. This quick insight in your eating habits will propose special diets suitable for you and summarize you meals nutritional details.

The service was tested last spring at a staff restaurant in Helsinki, Finland, and the well fed guinea pigs have provided the designers with positive feedback. They were given the option to do a survey or die from fatty food, and after a mind blasting experience with the mother of all meal dispensers the choice was an easy one. According the survey results, 76% of users were more interested and felt more aware about their culinary lifestyles, which is, to say the least, a notable number when it comes to the simple idea of pointing out what our food contains.

After this testing phase, it appears this buffet table is on its way to the market. Nutrime can bring the service provider long term advantages in food expenses, service improvement, and easily accessible information on customer preferences. Schools and larger companies who have a regular clientele in their cafeterias would seem like the ideal place to have a system similar to Nutrime, as having healthier students and workers is pretty much a win-win scenario.

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