
TechHub Riga now open to freelance developers and designers

TechHub Riga is #GrowingTheTribe and will now accept freelance developers and designers as members, even if they are not part of a startup.

TechHub Riga is Latvia’s oldest and biggest co-working space. Back in 2012 it was the first branch of TechHub London to open outside of the UK. Now TechHub network has expanded to 7 cities across 3 continents, including Bangalore, Boston, London, Swansea, Madrid and Bucharest. When traveling, each TechHub member is allowed to work at any of other TechHubs for 12 days a year.

“Till now TechHub Riga has been a place exclusively for tech-oriented startups. Yet there are many skilled coders and designers who don’t have their startup but are interested in the field. We now open our doors to them.

By the way, opening doors also includes actual tours around TechHub Riga. Potential members can sign up to visit and touch every part of the space themselves by writing to

Being in the tech scene is inspiring and lets you be the first to see and possibly work for the newest projects. TechHub Riga vision is to improve the information loop between startups who are looking for skills and freelancers who are looking for exciting adventures:

” We’ve always been about the people inside our walls. Our greatest passion is to build the startup community even bigger, stronger, more dynamic and innovative.”

Developers and designers who join #GrowingTheTribe initiative will become TechHub Riga members and get office space at the heart of Old Town, straight access to all member benefits and perks, including Office Hours mentoring program, energizing workspace and Google credits.

At the registration page, you have to choose “developer” (even if you are a designer), then choose your membership intensity and fill in the usual application. Instead of telling about your startup product, just write how you will be useful to TechHub community.

Lastly, if you have a developer or designer friend up for joining the tribe in Riga, tag them in this Facebook post and you will both receive 25% off your first-month membership.

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