
Airinum Wants To Help Protect People From Air Pollution

Airinum offers various designs for breathing masks. Photo: Airinum

Airinum, a Swedish startup, releases today their anti-pollution breathing mask designed for urban lifestyle. Since we all breathe 10 000 litres every day, this mask equipped with high-tech filters enables blocking more than 99% of microparticles to protect the wearer. Due to the company, the mask is six times more efficient than other similar masks.

The idea for the company was born when the co-founder Alexander Hjertström moved from Sweden to India. Hjertström got back his long-gone asthma symptoms shortly after his arrival – and he searched for ways to protect himself for the polluted air.

“It was evident that the current product offering had not taken a user perspective into account. I simply couldn’t find a mask I would like to wear. I only found industrial respirators that had good protection but were extremely uncomfortable to wear, or poorly protective masks with flamboyant designs,” says Hjertström, the co-founder and CEO of Airinum.

With this insight, Alexander partnered up with co-founders Fredrik Kempe, Johannes Herrmann and Mehdi Rejraji to develop the perfect mask for urban citizens in the 21st century.

A Metropolis Problem?

The implications of breathing unhealthy air are notable in urban metropolises like Delhi, Los Angeles and London since only living in the city has been compared to smoking several of cigarettes a day. WHO has also researched that air pollution causes more than 7 million deaths a year.

How Airinum wants to help urban citizens is by providing a breathing mask that is protective, comfortable and fashionable.

“We don’t believe functionality needs to compromise design. Urban breathing masks should be an avenue for personal expression as any other fashion item; After all, breathing masks cover half your face. Our masks are therefore carefully designed so everyone can feel confident wearing,” says Kempe, one of the co-founders and emphasises importance of Scandinavian design on their product.

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