
Swedish Gaming Accelerator Gets To Level 2

Stugan, the non-profit gaming accelerator launched by Sweden’s video game developers and entrepreneurs, unveiled on Thursday a diverse lineup of teams and mentors for its second programme.

There will be 13 teams with developers from Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, New Zealand, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and US. Their games run across mobile and PC and touch on categories like action, adventure, RPG, exploration, visual novel, puzzle strategy and more.

“We have everyone from established programmers, ex-games journalist turned indie developer, to toy maker/artist teaching themselves programming to make their dream game a reality. They comprise developer teams that are longtime friends, couples and solo artists going at it alone,” said Stugan manager Jana Karlikova.

The gaming accelerator also said Vlambeer co-founder Rami Ismail and Peter “the Mighty Eagle” Vesterbacka will be among the new mentors.

The 7-week programme, which runs through July and August, will be held at a traditional Swedish cabin, or “Stugan”, in the Swedish countryside.The programme is steered by Sweden’s leading individuals in the games industry and developers from the likes of DICE, Good Bye Kansas, Mojang, Resolution Games, Avalanche Studios, Snowprint Studios and others.

You can also see a trailer of the new games from this year’s participants here

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