
StartHQ shows off their Crib at Startup Sauna

Our Startup Office series is back, this time with Oleg Podsechin of StartHQ showing off his workspace at the Startup Sauna co-working space in Espoo. We’ve covered StartHQ recently – the chrome plugin allows you to get access to the old “applications” tab that chrome used to highlight on the New Tab page, but through StartHQ you get access to many more features, like a directory of web apps, smart linking into specific parts of apps, and even allowing you to see what web apps your coworkers are using.

Here’s how Podsechin describes his office:

What makes your office ‘your office’?

A big monitor, decent sized keyboard and large headphones so it’s easier to code. Also, there’s a StartHQ business card on the table telling other folks here not to move our stuff.

How do you think your office best facilitates your team’s work flow?

So far we’ve mostly worked remotely and asynchronously using GitHub, Flowdock and Skype. Being at Startup Sauna gives us a physical location we can call our home even though I’m the one spending most of the time here. It’s also a lively place where everybody seems to be working on something, so it’s good for motivation.

What are the most repeated phrases?

“Pushed” to indicate that we just wrote some new code and committed it to GitHub so that we can avoid so called merge conflicts, i.e. overwriting each other’s changes by accident.

Shoes on or shoes off?

On, it’s klnd of chilly here.

Interested in doing a post like this on your office? Of course you are, it takes like two minutes. Read all about how to submit your office here.


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