
Spotify's Music Hack Day Stockholm '13 Cranks Out Some Crunchy Hacks

I love me some tunes, and I love innovative web stuff (even if they’re a little rough around the edges), so I was pleased to see that some of the projects built during Spotify’s Music Hack Day last weekend were thrown up on Hacker League to poke around. The event took place last weekend at Spotify’s new office in Stockholm, and was Spotify’s first external Music Hack Day. I just took a few things that looked interesting to put up here, but browse the full list of submitted (and in progress) projects.

Super Mutroid – As shown in the top image, it’s a music/rythym platform game with a Super Metroid theme. Reminds me of Bit Trip Runner. Download is here (if you have Mac OS 10.8). Haven’t tried it yet, but will when I get a spare few minutes.

Orly – Checks if the track your playing samples another track, or if it’s ever been sampled by anyone else. Would be really cool to see as a Spotify app, hopefully it’ll make it there.

Floor filler – checks with webcam to see if people are dancing at your party. If not, a new song will be played.

SongGrab – a “Massively Multiplayer Online Music-Playing Game” where you see a webcam view of yourself and have to guess which of four titles you are listening to. You choose by waving your hand over the title.

Beatstriker – Another game where you have to defend your face from the beats. Play it here.

Pimp My Radio – A music box hack that makes me want to heat up the soldering iron. It connects to your wifi and plays music from Spotify based on your daily movements, like waking up, relaxing, party, etc. The LCD screen also plays the lyrics of the song that’s playing.

Organ– A playlist organizer for Spotyify. I want this.

Lyrebird – A little tool where a piece of music can be segmented into smaller chunks for learning by ear. The music segments are looped with enough time for the musician to play in between, going for the call and response approach of teaching.

Digital Wristband – Helps music lovers document and share the shows and festivals they’ve been to.

Webemin – a theremin in your browser using your mobile device with a gyro.

PartySaver – A screensaver that plays Spotify Playlists and displays artist and song info.

Joggify – An iOS app that plays a currated jogging playlist that grinds to a halt whenever you stop, providing that negative reinforcement you need on a long jog. Eventually it should also match songs to your running pace, and apply time-stretching and audio effects.

Multi Source Playlist – Creates a web playlist and audio player that can play audio from rdio, spotify, youtube, soundcloud, mp3, or wav.

There are a whole page of hacks, and I only pulled up what was interesting to me after a quick browse. Find them all on the Music Hack Day Hacker League. And if you’re not pressed for time, check out all of the presentations on the UStream.

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