
Sofanatics' Stadium Rings Loud During Ice Hockey World Championships

When there is a platform available to ensure maximum user engagement, there isn’t really a point why it shouldn’t be fully leveraged and Sofanatics has everything to give to sports fans they need. We’ve written in the past about their latest improvement to the service, the stadium feature, which is one of the reasons for the wide usage relating to this post as well.

The month of May has proved to be quite eventful for Sofanatics. It all begun with their partner, FC Barcelona engaging 14 million of their fans to cheer for the team at Sofanatics. The result? Over 13,000 messages, 130 plus photos from fans spread over 166 countries. If you weren’t in the stadium the game was played, there was no reason to be saddened as the Sofanatics stadium was ringing loud with cheers.

The second one was the Ice Hockey World Championship. The event was hyped about by the Finnish Broadcasting company as they spread the word across Finnish Hockey fans. The result was equally phenomenal with over 40,000 chat messages exchanged in the first four matches of the Finnish team.

Now, we can be skeptical about this and consider it to be the wonders of PR. But in reality that’s just one part of it, what has kept users more active is the fact that they get to sense the real feel of communicating with fans globally. Interactivity is what holds key to this. Give it a thought, how boring it would be if you had chat rooms populated by thousands of fans only able to send messages. It would make me feel like I am talking to a machine.

The presence of columned chat boxes and more traditional chat features is old school. I mean its pretty boring to have supporters divided into groups of each team and you can predict what you will be reading and where. All this is replaced with profile images as avatars and messages surfacing Sofanatics style, I call it conversations the way it happens in a stadium. Chants, slogans, etc all these sum up to an overall good experience for fans, ensuring that they are glued to what’s happening.

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