
Scoopshot Crowdsources Coldplay Music Video

Yesterday we talked about how Copenhagen-based Foap is crowdsourcing mobile photographers to take images for brands, and compared it to Helsinki-based Scoopshot. In yesterday’s world, it seemed that Scoopshot was continuing to focus on crowdsourcing photography for breaking news, while Foap looked like it would take over the “extracurricular” space, but the market may be more crowded than that.

We received word that Scoopshot is being leveraged by Oxfam to crowdsource a music video for Coldplay, which suggests a more “general purpose” use for Scoopshot’s platform.

The press release states,

Every year Governments, banks or private investors buy huge plots of land in some of the poorest countries in the world for profit. This land is often home to people who rely on it to grow food and feed their families. Thousands of families are being evicted from the land, leaving them homeless and with no means to piece their lives back together. Land grabs are forcing people and their possessions out, forcing them from the place they call home.

Niko Ruoksuo, CEO, Scoopshot said: “It’s great to be able to use our crowdsourcing service to support Oxfam’s campaign. With Scoopshooters in over 170 countries worldwide, we’re very excited to see what creative photos and videos our users submit and we look forward to working with Oxfam on future projects across the globe.”

Scoopshot has gotten over 180,000 downloads of their app, and also has access to over 700 professional photographers. More than 50 publications use Scoopshot to crowdsource photos for their publications.

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