
RedLynx Acquired By Ubisoft

Here’s another nice acquisition of a Finnish game company. Yesterday Ubisoft anounced it had acquired RedLynx Games, creator of the the popular “Trials” game that blew up on Xbox Live. The game has now become one of the best-selling games ever on Xbox LIVE Arcade, with over two million paid downloads for the main game and its downloadable content.

On the acquisition, Tero Virtala, chief executive officer of RedLynx stated, “We were attracted by Ubisoft’s focus on creativity and quality, and the fact that they base their long-term strategy on both the traditional and digital distribution video game markets. The reality of today’s market is not about platforms, it’s about creating excellent gaming experiences that consumers can play on any device or screen they like.”

RedLynx also has a collection of about 100 games on a variety of platforms, including PC, consoles, mobile phones, tablets and interactive TV.. Their recent release of DrawRace 2 for the iPhone and iPad was enjoyed by gamers for its “innovative physics-based touch-controls and asynchronous multiplayer gameplay.” Upon its release, DrawRace2 became the best-selling racing game in both Europe and the United States.

The continuation of their flagship brand, Trials Evolution, will be coming out in the coming months.

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