
Queue-it: Ensuring Your Site Is Crashless

Software as a Service has quite gripped the way we find solutions for numerous problems within our business and ventures. With the advent of Cloud Computing the question of deploying software outside the infrastructure of one’s own company has been resolved at large and many are leveraging services based on the cloud to their advantage. One such is Queue-it, a startup based in Denmark that utilizes the concept of SaaS to help prevent your website from crashing.

The key reason to initiate this is simply the fact that many sites are inaccessible when they hit peak. That is quite an issue with many a sites out there and Queue-it aims to provide a solution for exactly the same purpose. The question is how?

What the startup does is take care of the excess number of users out at certain periods that cause the servers to go down. Queue-it steps in at this time to take charge and help resolve the issue by treating your user with respect. I would use an example to further explain its functionality.

Here’s why I think this works. First users feel they are treated with respect as being given a response on when they can access the site/service and secondly it covers up the period of unresponsiveness to find a solution to the problem. The bigger advantage is having users being directed via Queue-it, which reduces load on your own servers and thus prevents prolonged downtimes of your service. You can visit Queue-it to learn more about its features as well as pricing model.

The company is privately owned and based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It has been founded by industry experts from Denmark with experience in firms. You can learn more about the team here.

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