
Wireless Powerkiss Coming To Town in Q4/2009!

PowerKissGroupPeople often forgot to unplug their chargers. If all Nokia cell phone users globally would plug off when battery is full charged, energy savings would be as much as 100.000 average-sized European homes annual consumption.

Powerkiss provides a new charging solution, which transforms a charger in to public product, instead of private accessory. The company has two products: a module integrated into furniture and a charging stick plugged in the device (cell phone or a laptop). The stick is plugged in and the device is placed on the charging table top. The battery is charged automatically. The charging time remains almost the same, depending on the device. Right now, the Powerkiss is able to power devices up to 40W, next year up to 100 W.

Powerkiss has signed the first deals with furniture manufacturers Martela and Isku on commercialization during autumn 2009. By the end of this year, Powerkiss will introduce the charging sticks for Nokias and mini-USBs (by October), Apples, micro-USBs and netbooks (by November). The company targets to introduce bigger laptops on the portfolio in Q1 2010.

“People hate cables and accessories. Our solution is built in every day environments for schools, cafes and other public premises. Our business model utilizes the existing distribution channels of the furniture manufacturers and their need to bring new, value-add solutions to end-users” explains Maija Itkonen, Founder and CEO for Powerkiss. “Instead of business-to-consumer, we sell directly to furniture OEM (original equipment manufacturers). This is the new business model for distributing wireless charging solutions. In future, we sell charging sticks directly to the end- users.”

“We consider ourselves environmentally friendly based on both to energy-efficiency and lower material waste. With our solution, users do not need to worry about unplugging the table becouse even when it is plugged in, its energy consumption is very low.” says Maija ” Our general concept is to reduce the need to wires and cables. The production of our sticks and technology for the table requires less material chargers with wires.  Health effects have been asked many times:  the global safety regulation service provider Nemko has been involved in our product development from the very start. It its also important for us that our products are certified by CE-marking and passed safety regulations set by well-known third party. ”

Powerkiss, founded in 2007 and based in Aalto University’s Design Factory is a dream case example for entrepreneurship. The company was born at Helsinki School of Economics university course “Create on Innovative SME’s” by professor Pier A Abetti (born 1921, still teaching).

” I had to give an elevator pitch for the rest of the class and I did not have anything special in ming. I remembered what kind of complaints I had heard lately, and one of them was “Why can’t we get rid of these bloody cables“. Me as a designer started to find out solutions of wireless charging in the market. All of them were accessories, and soon I realized that there is a lot of work to be done in integrating wireless charging in everyday environments, and getting the furniture manufacturers involved.” says Maija.

“In the beginning it was just me.  Soon  I got Mikko Reinikainen who is serial entrepreneur (from Safera and Next Icon) and experienced product developer to team up with. Then I invited Roope Takala (with Nokia background) and Tuula Antola (behind companies like Kaipaus and Innospa) as a board member to join us. We founded the company and it was only two days old when we signed up with two private investors Lauri Hintikka (grand old man and background from Kone, Ahlstrom, Link, Percussio etc) and Martti Martela.” 

Powerkiss targets next to close the financing round to boost global break-through. “We are looking for an experienced investor with successful track record on technology scale-up on the global environment. Enthusiasm is an asset. ” Maija closes up.

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