
Pelsu Has A Plan That Might Save Your Life

Every building has a safest exit route in the case of an emergency, but whether the residents are aware how to properly use this path depends on how well the buildings rescue/emergency plan has been made and practiced. In a country such as Finland, where structure related safety regulations are one of the highest in the world, companies who make emergency plans for different types of buildings are necessary, especially because the plans are required by law.

In a nutshell, every building must have an emergency plan, but making one yourself can give you headaches because of the large amounts of time and meticulous work that needs to be dedicated. To top things off, once the law regulations change, all the documents become dead weight, as you’ll need new ones.

It is officially recommended by the safety department that apartment buildings do the safety plans themselves, as the residents are more familiar with the building, but for example office spaces, event halls and administrative buildings tend to turn to professionals due to the large scale and complexity of the plan itself.

Pelsu (officially Plan Brothers Oy) , which stands for pelastussuunnitelma (rescue plan), has been working hard to greatly facilitate the manual and physical nature of making emergency plans. Their service takes emergency planning into a cloud platform where the required information can easily be controlled and kept readily available for future changes in law. The digitalization of information has once again demonstrated how much faster data management becomes once the right tools are created.

Pelsu offers two kinds of products; consulting and the cloud service. Eetu Kirsi, director of administration at Pelsu, told us in an interview that more than 90% of their clientele end up using both services. It’s worth mentioning that since their start with their current leadership in 2012, Pelsu has constructed over 9000 emergency plans out of the 147 000 building that still need one in Finland, which makes them the leading company on the market.

Once one of the Pelsu sales representatives makes contact with an interested client, one of their safety professionals visits the location, presents the product and gathers the information needed for the actual plan. The info is then fed into the system where it will be turned into an efficient plan that passes all minimum requirements of the law. As the documents are online, their distribution to relevant residents is quick and easy and any new law regulations are simple to implement.

Their competition consists of big companies who offer planning services among other things (ex. Lassila & Tikanoja), residents who to do the planning themselves and other firms like Pelsu with online tools.

When compared to the conventional way of making emergency plans, Pelsu offers cheaper and much faster planning than any other company out there (typically firms can complete one to three safety plans a day compared to Pelsu who makes five to ten).

Pelsu currently has their service under test run in Denmark. The experiment is preparing them for international growth, a vision that will travel to other countries with a trusted Finnish safety label which is held in high regard worldwide.

The company is bootstrapped, mainly income funded. Pelsu’s last years turnover reached €800 000 and next by the end of this year they’re looking into a €2 million revenue.

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