Oppifi Building A Digital Scrapbook Of Memories (Video)

    oppfiAs soon as Ilkka Tiainen, Oppifi CEO, told me about the service I thought of MyHeritage and Geni, but as he quickly pointed out Epooq, Oppifi’s first product is more about subjective count on our memories than objective family tree what the two formerly mentioned services focus on.

    Oppifi, a Finnish startup, is aiming to build solution for gathering and sharing subjective ‘life-experiences’. We all have our own experiences from the life that we have led and whereas many of us have aimed to get all those memories between the covers of a scrap book,  Oppifi wants to help out by giving us better digital tools to do it. The founders are confident that there are demand for a such a service from the get go and will also charge the user from day one.

    The service is still early stages, but we got a quick look at the alpha version and talked to the team about the service. See the video below.