
One Minute Startup News: Lyfta

Finnish education is one of the best ones in the world. We all know that for a fact. But what makes it so unique? There are many factors to that, but I believe that comes a lot from Finnish innovation. 

For example, Lyfta, A Finnish edtech startup combines virtual and augmented reality environments with emotional storytelling.  They create highly engaging learning experiences about diverse cultures and countries. Lyfta’s immersive storyworlds are built around the new phenomenon-based curriculum in Finland.  They provide a revolutionary approach to teach 21st-century skills and global citizenship.

Just a couple of days ago, Lyfta was awarded for world’s best learning and education product in the World Summit Awards. Over 400 startups from 180 countries compete annually for prizes in learning, environment, wellbeing, business and more. Lyfta is among the five winners in the Learning and Education category, and the only company from Finland to make the selection since 2014.

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