
One Minute Startup News: Cazza

Imagine the future where construction process no longer requires human labour. Everything is built by machines. This week we have a startup, planning to disrupt one of the slowest moving industries in the world with its next-generation 3D printing technology

Cazza sells 3D printing technology that helps you to build houses, commercial buildings and unique structures. Located in a Silicon Valley, Cazza positioned their research and development facility in Finland. That is where they assemble and build their construction robots, and conduct materials research.

An interesting fact about the company is that neither of the founders has a background in construction. That didn’t stop them from seeing an opportunity in a billion dollar industry. Chris Kelsey and Fernando de los Rios used the money from selling their previous startup Appstitute to compose the team of top-notch engineers, construction and AI experts. Together they design new cost-efficient and eco-friendly way to build houses.


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