
Norwegian Time-Tracking Application, Yast, Wins Valley "Fastpitch" Competition

It may come a surprise that a Norwegian time-tracking app could manage to win first prize at the Under The Radar conference at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Headquarters, but Yast‘s presentation by Halvor Gregusson managed to beat out hundreds of applicants do just that. A two minute “Fastpitch” competition doesn’t leave much room for errors, which is why Gregusson’s well rehearsed presentation, complete with automatic slide changes and dramatic background music from “The Rock,” was albe to leave the judges excited about tracking time.

Yast has been flying under the radar for us, but the time-tracking software claims to make it easy to keep track of billable hours with a one click timer, and also by simply dragging how much time has been spent on a project. The service is automatically synchronized between their web and mobile app, and it offers the ability to easily sort your timed tasks into projects. Furthermore, Yast claims to easily scale for freelancers, small companies, and enterprise solutions.

The service has been growing steadily too– currently they claim they have about 42,000 users and they’re growing at about 1000 a week. There’s a free version of Yast, which should meet a lot of people’s needs, and the premium version runs 4€ per month per user.

If you have two minutes, I recommend watching the video of their presentation below, where Halvor Gregusson’s presentation comes in around the 8 minute mark. You can also find the original article about the pitching competition on VentureBeat.

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