
Norway's Wonderloop raises $200,000

Video apps are on the rise in Norway it seems with two apps either launching or announcing funding. Wonderloop is one of those, now having raised roughly $200,000 (€144,000) with half of that coming from a Norwegian shipping family, and half coming from a government grant. In total, Wonderloop has raised $400,000 (€288,000).

The app is a social directory like Facebook or LinkedIn, but instead of boring text Wonderloop gets users to create and browse 20 second video profiles of its users. The nice thing about this approach is that you get to see a real glimpse of what a person is like, and can hear in their own words what they do and what they’re looking for. Rather than doing this in a dating or really casual context, Wonderloop is targeting this at helping people find and connect with each other to help achieve their dreams or business goals.

To do so, Wonderloop has a few search features to make it easy to find people you think you would be interested in hearing about. Additionally you can introduce people to your connections in the app. With enough traction, the app could be used for investing, hiring, and other needs to get a “real” glimpse of who someone is.

With the funding, Wonderloop says they’ll be hiring a full-time employee in Norway, and will be also be opening up a California office. Additionally they’ll be pumping money into the platform to keep it able to grow. Currently they say they have several thousand downloads, most of which are in their native Norway.

Wonderloop can be found in the app store, here.

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