
Nordic Startup Awards Bringing Events To Capital Cities

A new initiative, the Nordic Startup Awards, is a collection of events across the region to keep on your calendar. In November they will be hosting a startup award show in every Nordic capital, gathering 5 winners of each award category to head to the finale in Copenhagen.

At each local event they’re expecting around 200 attendees, and they’ll be in Denmark November 9th, Oslo on the 13th, Reykjavik on the 14th, Helsinki on the 15th, and Stockholm on the 16th. The grand finale will take place December 7th.

I’ve become cynical about startup awards from the number of press releases about winning awards we get, but the local events sound like a good excuse to get together. The program’s goals are to, “Recognize, inspire, and stimulate entrepreneurship through the Nordic region,” and I think their Copenhagen grand finale will hopefully achieve some good cross-border networking.

The community is also encouraged to vote for their favorite startups through social media. The instructions can be found on their website.

We caught news of the Nordic Startup awards a month or so ago, and the big question we had was who was running the show. But instead of it being some awful corporate PR, their advisors include a lot of names from the region. The core team consists of mix of names from Denmark’s Startup Bootcamp and Amsterdam’s Rockstart accelerator.

Here’s core team member James Digby doing an elevator pitch of the awards:

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