
Nokia, Jolla, Eve Tech: The Finnish Tablets

We have written previously that Finland was going through the five stages of grief when it comes to Nokia, and I think we have just reached ‘acceptance’. People and companies are moving on and looking at what to do next, not surprisingly some are going after the same markets. For instance there is now three companies doing tablets. If this is the right type of acceptance or not – time will tell. Perhaps it’s the cold.

The Overview:

Eve Tech

Before jumping to the already well known names, let’s talk about a newcomer – Eve Tech with their T1 tablet set to launch on the 8th of December.

Not many know the company, but they have just announced, that they too will be entering the tablet market. The differentiation? From the website, the company claims that they “made sure that in T1 only the price tag comes cheap,” sporting very similar specs to everything else on the market.

Speaking of the price, which is yet unannounced, Eve Tech is inviting everyone to participate in a guessing challenge, with those who guess correctly winning the device. Check it out here. Out of the box, it will run Windows but we have confirmed that later, it will also support Android.


Jolla is a company that many expected to be the next Nokia, but there was still enough scepticism around. After-all it was basically a startup going after two giants in the industry. With the launch of the phone, the buzz calmed rather quickly but during Slush, the company announced a tablet device through a crowdfunding campaign and reached its goal in hours, and a whopping $1.3 million in days, where it has then slowed down.

Running Sailfish OS, and a price point similar to the Nokia tablet, as well as the iPad mini, it will be interesting to see how it will stack up in demand to the big players.


Now that the company has had enough time to think about their overall strategy, they launched a brand new product, a tablet called the Nokia N1 bundled with the Nokia Z Launcher, which quickly became one of the most popular Android launchers on the market hitting 100k downloads in two days.

Overall the devices sport very similar specs, run three different operating systems and probably will be in the same price range. So it is all up to the market to figure out which will be the most appealing. What would you bet on?

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