
New Years Resolution To Lace Up Your Running Shoes? Check Out MyNextRun For Running Events

It’s 2013 –  a new calendar, and new year to start fresh and make some new habits. Up there on my list is participating in more running events, and maybe a triathlon if I ever replace my stolen road bike (I’ll never stop looking for you, ol’ blue!).

That’s why I was pleased to get an email from MyNextRun, a Helsinki based company that put together a centralized hub of running races in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Netherlands and Germany. And by doing so, it has become easy to find and register for events.

It really solves a problem that I have had as foreigner have in Finland – actually finding and registering for running events without loading up the Google Translate. But the concept works equally well for Germans looking for a race in Sweden, or even a Swede looking for a race in Sweden. Having a centralized hub of races with support for multiple languages adds value to event organizers by allowing them to cast a larger net.

MyNextRun works with bigger events like large marathons in the region, as well as smaller events who cannot afford marketing or may be doing registration by email. Registration information is saved in their platform – where users register for races – and their email newsletter and platform provides a reminder to sign up for events. For event organizers it costs €3 per sign-up.

At the moment they’re just focusing on running events as they work on building the best experience for runners. But I get the impression they wouldn’t rule out other events once they get further down the road.

All-in-all, it’s exactly what I’m looking for to find races, and I need to sign up for a few to have something to work towards.

Sami Granfors, Co-founder and CEO tells us they are also looking for a front-end developer to help them pick up the pace. “Running is definitely not a requirement to work with us, but I have to warn that our techie Samuli got all excited about running when he joined us, and is now aiming for his first half marathon.”

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