
Mobile Developers Wanted: Act Qvik

Editor’s note: This is a sponsored job posting, but please help support ArcticStartup by passing this on to your friends looking for work in mobile development.

How would you like to join a company that truly understands mobile? A company that has built many successful startups? A company that did not have any outside funding and yet built apps that are used by tens of million people and bring in significant revenues?

Rather than working on just one product, we’re talking about a mobile development agency that is so good at their craft that they now serially build mobile businesses for their clients.

Helsinki-based QVIK is behind many apps and companies that you might be familiar with and as a result – probably used their product at one time or another. For instance they built the apps for SLUSH, YLE Uutisvahti, Golf GameBook, Arctic15, Taloussanomat, Nordic Business Forum and many others. They are now looking for five stellar developers to join the team.

When talking to Lari Tuominen, co-founder and CEO of QVIK points out, “We are not just the guys doing apps. We are building mobile businesses.”

It’s clear that they have seen the changes in the mobile space that have been taken place in the past eight years and have used it to their advantage. 2014 was the first time when mobile usage has exceeded PC, yet for many, mobile is still a black box or a feature instead of being a true business focus. This is where QVIK saw an opportunity – to build truly mobile businesses.

When QVIK started in 2008 it seemed their clients wanted mobile apps just for the sake of it. With the rise of smartphones everybody was traslating their websites onto mobile, and you simply had to make your website into an app. As Lari said: “At the time, a lot of companies wanted to do apps without a particular business reason to do it. It was just a cool thing to do.”

Pretty much all of the orders and ideas were based on their desktop counterparts, which made them realize that their clients didn’t realize the full potential of mobile. To counter it, QVIK started to focus on design and brought it their own mobile design team. QVIK’s focus wasn’t about buying apps and technology, but access to markets and new business.

“Too often, in the tech world, many seem to think that when the development ends, the business starts. People speak in terms of ‘projects’. When you deliver, that is not when implementation ends. It is where it starts. The product-market fit is the hardest challenge for other companies. That is what we do,” says Lari Tuominen, QVIK.

So if you want to join a team that understands the whole mobile development process and the business side of doing it – check out this job position.

We have worked with QVIK in the past, when doing our Arctic15 mobile app and were very happy with the pixel perfect results and in the process got a sneak peak into the company and their culture.

It was interesting to see a mobile development house which operates at similar conditions to the now famous Valve approach. Each member of the team has access to all the latest tools, gadgets, in order to stay on-top of the game. There is no direct “management” per say either as QVIK operates on the “freedom and responsibility” principle.

So if you are a specialist in any iOS, Android, Windows Phone, HTML5 and are looking for an open culture company with a track record for success – check out this position.

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