
Memoto Releases Documentary On The History And Future Of 'Lifelogging'

Regardless if you think you’d find Memoto’s wearable lifelogging camera devices useful, you have to admit they’re doing their marketing strategy right. Many companies seem to drop off the earth after their Kickstarter campaign ends, but Memento has kept the buzz alive thanks to a new documentary on the history and pioneers of lifelogging – a trend that was once only taken up by quantified self folks and other hobbyists but is now becoming more consumer thanks to platforms like Yast for tracking efficiency at work, Runkeeper for logging exercises, and Sleeptrack for tracking… your sleep.

Their Kickstarter campaign raised $550,189 of their $50,000 goal, and will be shipping sometime this summer.

Lifelogging is a new concept, so it makes sense to educate potential consumers about this growing movement in a better format than a few blog posts or quick youtube video.

“We didn’t know anything about “lifelogging” but we soon realized that it’s a trend that will affect all of us” said Amanda Alm, one of the people behind the film. “It was super exciting to meet people like Gordon Bell and Steve Mann who more or less have invented a whole new way of documenting peoples’ lives. What they had to tell about the future was fascinating.”

The documentary features discussions with experts in this field, such as Google Glass’ technical lead Thad Starner, Microsoft’s Gordon Bell, and Steve Mann who is considered “the father” of wearable technology.

Martin Källström will be the CEO negotiator at tonight’s Stockholm Term Sheet Battle, so it will be interesting to hear him talk about what he’s up to.

The film can be found below:

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