
Lithuania's Mobile Worker looks to boost productivity

When it comes to time tracking and productivity apps Mobile Worker for Android aren’t the first we’ve covered here at ArcticStartup. I covered one Norwegian’s iOS app Timely in December, and we’ve written about Estonia’s Toggl, available on iOS and Android, a few times as well. This might be the first such app we’ve covered that’s arrived out of Lithuania though, so let’s take a look at it.

The two man team behind Mobile Worker aren’t afraid to admit that competition in their market is high, but they believe that because of the research and analysis work they have done, combined with the growing need amongst freelancers and mobile workers for apps of this kind, they can make room for themselves. Early reviews on the Google Play store seem to back up this self belief with the app riding high on positive feedback.

At this point we’re used to seeing a time tracking app that has easy to use features for recording working hours and Mobile Worker is no different in that respect; one button to start, simple changing of status, and quick editing of details. All present, correct, and the absolute foundation for what the app needs to be. Where the guys behind Mobile Worker hope to differentiate themselves is in the wide application of their, err… app.

Mobile Worker wants to be the one stop shop for organising your work. Rather than just recording times that you have worked, they want you to create and manage your projects in Mobile Worker as well. Projects are broken down into tasks that you record your time doing, the purpose of having such a tree structure where projects branch into tasks which divide into periods of time worked is wider than just having an organised and clearer overview of the work completed.

As well as times worked you can also upload all the work you have done for the project; documents, pdfs, spreadsheets, pictures and video can all be added and assigned to the appropriate project. Mobile Worker can link to Dropbox and Google Drive to utilize their cloud storage features so documents be accessed from any device connected. This document management tool is what Evaldas Mockus, Marketing Projects Manager, believes will lead Mobile Worker to success. He also told us that the app, “soon will have additional plugins such [as] a measurements tool, [and] materials tracking which will provide [the] most needed functions for field workers in one app.”

The app is already available in ten languages and being used not just by freelancers but even, we are told, by some companies to track their employees work time. It is already being accepted in business environments and I’m sure feedback from those customers will help direct its path as well.

With a strong functional core, attractive additional functionality and a healthy number of positive reviews Mobile Worker looks to be on its way to making a space for itself in a competitive marketplace. If it can continue to grow through good word of mouth and adding features its users would like then it should have a bright future ahead.

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