
Legal Tech meetup gets started in Stockholm

Despite the slow pace of the legal system, lawyers, programmers, academics, and general hackers are developing new solutions to help common folk and professionals to navigate the law. We’ve seen a few of these legal hacking projects pop up in the region, with a few notable ones popping up in Sweden including Matval (which we’ve been playing email tag with to get an article out), Swiftcourt, and Precisely – the startup by the new Stockholm Legal Hackers meetup founder Robert Gullander.

With the rise of these startups, the new meetup group plans to bring together the right type of people for workshops, hackathons, and general meetups to help develop products and build up the legal tech sector in Stockholm.

“There has been a huge gap between law and technology for too long. There are endless possibilities to make the practice of law more efficient and accessible with technology. Also, there are pressing issues with how law and policy can adapt to rapidly changing technology. We have created this group to develop solutions to these issues,” says Robert Gullander, founder of Stockholm Legal Hackers

The group is a chapter from Legal Hackers, a New York based group with four chapters in the U.S., making this group the first chapter outside the U.S..

If anything, this meetup signifies that a new industry is popping up in Sweden, and could be a good resource for the region’s startups and investors interested in the sector.

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