
How to Write a Persuasive ‘About Us’ Page for Your Startup

How you present your startup can put you on the right line on the road to success. That’s why the About Us page deserves your undivided attention. With the About Us page, you can explain to the world who you are and what makes you worthy of people’s time and money.


When people come across an unknown business, where do they go first?

To the About Us page.

So, what kind of the first impression do you want to make?

The About Us page carries some extra weight when you are a startup. It is your window of opportunity to win over new customers. It is also your chance to gain consumers’ interest and make a lasting impression.

With that in mind, here are some useful tips that will help you write a persuasive About Us page that presents your startup in the best light.


1. Express Your Personality

How you say something is as important as what you say. Listing information about your startup in a generic and dull manner won’t help you make an impression. You need to be different.

Expressing your brand personality can help you establish your position on the market. Unique startups whose personality helps them stand out to have an advantage.

Incorporate in your writing your brand’s style. Are you witty? Friendly? Precise and data-driven?

Define your personality, transfer it into your writing style, and that’s the approach to writing you want to take.


2. Take on the Role of a Storyteller

Storytelling has a captivating effect on people. Hooking consumers in with a story can get them to resonate with it and, thus, memorize it better.

What’s more, stories have their way of evoking emotions. If you provoke consumers’ emotions with your story, they’ll connect with your brand. You won’t be a stranger anymore. That story will help consumers assign you an identity.

So, how to write a great story for the About Us page? Here are some tips:


3. Provide Some Background

You might be the new kid on the block, but you do have history. What’s the path that led your startup?

Inspiring stories about turning your idea into reality is what compels people. Many people have buried their dreams, or they’re trying to reach them. Therefore, reading about a startup whose fulfilling its dreams will make them want to support you in that mission.

Include in the About Us content a snippet about your beginnings. How did you get this business idea? What inspired you to take the leap? Open up and share your experience.


4. Share Your Vision and Mission

You’ve laid the foundation with the origin of your idea. Now, it’s time to explain where that idea is going to take you.

Startups need to have a promising vision and mission. That’s how you’ll get investors and customers interested. Share that vision and mission on the About Us page. Make it short, sweet, and clear.


5. Introduce the Crew

The intimate atmosphere of a startup can work in your favor. Present your small startup team as you would present your family. A business that respects and takes pride in its employees is a trustworthy business.

Be transparent about the people on whom you rely on. Give brief information about those courageous individuals who’ve been standing by your side through ups and downs.


6. Stress Your Unique Value Proposition

Why you? That’s the question that customers will ask. That’s also the question you should answer on the About Us page.

Put the spotlight on your unique value proposition. What do you have that others in your niche don’t? Are you more innovative? Cheaper? Provide new features?

You need to stress what made you begin this startup journey in the first place. That unfilled crack in the industry you’ve seen as a business opportunity is what can help you sell your products now.


7. Refer Directly to Customers

Why do people turn to businesses? Because they need a solution. To really sell your idea, you should speak directly to customers.

Write in a way that makes customers feel seen. Put them in focus. Explain what YOU can do for THEM. Specify the benefits that can come out from your collaboration if they put their trust in you.

This doesn’t mean that you should get salesy on your About Us page. Simply opt for a more intimate approach such as “We want to give you the best service” instead of a self-centered one like “We have the best service.”


8. Have a Readable Structure

Users head to the About Us page for a quick introduction. Coming across overwhelming blocks of text won’t keep them on that page for long.

Make sure to structure your content well. It needs to be skimmable and comprehensive.

Thread your ideas into organized paragraphs. Segment your thoughts into short sections. The paragraphs give content rhythm and flow, so use them wisely.


9. Add Visuals

If possible, add some visuals to your About Us page. They will bring your content to life, help you break up the text, and add some variety to the page.

You can add an image of your team, a photo of the founders, behind-the-scenes photos, etc. Or, you can add a video that further introduces your startup.

Visuals can help consumers put a face to the name. As most people are visuals learners, adding some color to the mix can make you more memorable.


10. Make the Most Out of It with CTAs

The About Us page doesn’t need to be passive. Once you win consumers over with your dashing personality and inspiring story, use that current emotion to get them to take the next step.

Feel free to add a useful CTA to the content. It shouldn’t be aggressive or sales-oriented. It should just be suggestive and helpful.

Add CTAs that encourage the visitors to:


Wrapping Up

First impressions matter. Without a good first impression, it is unlikely that you’ll get a chance to make a second one. Especially in this competitive world of business. Therefore, give your best to write a winning About Us page.

You have these tips to guide you, now, the rest is up to you. Turn your roller-coaster startup experience into an impressive story. Make it into a story that people would want to be a part of.

Diana Adjadj is a content writer and editor who has a Master’s degree in Psychology. She combines her passion for writing with her interest in research and creates thought-provoking content in various fields. Besides working as an editor for, Diana also runs her own blog. What inspires her the most in her writing is traveling and meeting new people.

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