
Instadashapp Mashes Up Pinterest With The Missing Dashboard

Instagram does a great job on its native platform, but sometimes you wish there would be a solid web interface where you can browse pictures. Sure, there are a lot of services out there trying to do the same thing, but at the Sthlm Startup Hack, Arno Smit and Spotify iOS developer Magnus Johansson put together a nice product, called Instadashapp, by drawing from elements of Pinterest.

The service allows you to do pretty much everything you can do on your phone, but without the camera elements. This includes the newsfeed, popular images, locations, search comments, and the liking features. The location and search features are particularly nice on the desktop, as I’ve always found the Instagram app to not have quite enough power.

Instadashapp does not allow you to pin images like Pinterest, but it still provides with all the features users need to browse their photos. The app was built in only 12 hours, and turned out pretty polished.

An additional feature I found but didn’t expect was the DropBox synchronization option found in the app’s settings. It was a nice feature I didn’t know that I needed until I found it.

Again, there are a lot of these Instagram web interfaces out there, but for those times you feel like quickly powering through some photos on your computer, Instadashapp is well worth checking out.

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