
Icelandic PixPuffin Manages Photo Collections And Digital Licenses

PixPuffin is a new Icelandic service to help small and medium sized businesses manage their digital assets though a web-based interface. For your photos, it offers easy keywording features, sharing of project folders, and integration with licensed photos.

PixPuffin was launched by NordicPhotos, a photo agency based in Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. From this angle, PixPuffin helps companies stay focused on Digital Rights Management, preventing costly mistakes from improperly used photos.

They accomplish this though their license manager, which helps you easily go through your usage licenses and copyrights. The manager keeps an eye out for image license expiration dates, and helps leverage a company’s own image database alongside material licensed from image agencies.

This focus can prevent costly mistakes, Getty Images, for example, reserves the right to sue businesses up to $150 000 per unlicensed image.

And, leveraging their close proximity to Icelandic geothermal and hydro energy, they can leverage the eco/green angle of their data centers. PixPuffin is hosted on Greenqloud, an datacenter we’ve covered in the past.

“We have talked to almost 200 companies during the past few weeks and it surprised us how much of a problem image management is becoming within companies of all kinds,  they are using more images than ever, but lacking systems to manage the images and the copyrights attached,” says Arnaldur Gauti Johnson, Managing Director NordicPhotos/PixPuffin.

“Access to the images is also becoming increasingly important as many administrators in the company need to grant access to the media and clients as well as the employees and they must be able to control this access.”

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