
Helsinki's Kippt gets a logo in HBO's Silicon Valley

As HBO’s new TV show, Silicon Valley, starts thinking about airing some episodes, there’s going to be a new level of ‘making it’ for entrepreneurs – in hopefully a satirical sense. The show is trying to wedge its way into Silicon Valley life as close as possible by referencing real companies as much as possible.

“We’re trying incredibly hard to get it right. We hope we’re throwing in enough stuff that’s completely real that people will notice the effort,” says executive producer Alec Berg in HBO’s Silicon Valley preview.

Regardless of your pre-pilot predictions of how great this show is going to be, an ‘oh cool’ moment from the preview is that Helsinki’s-founded Kippt got a T-shirt shot in the show’s preview video. Today Kippt has an office in San Francisco after participating in YCombinator. If you’re quick, you can spot their logo in the video below:

Invitation to the Set

As an editor’s note we should probably mention one of Kippt’s founders, Karri Saarinen, was an original founder of ArcticStartup, but I’m curious how much exposure Nordic and Baltic companies will get on HBO if this is going to be a ‘thing’.

I mean, we definitely crave attention in a cultural satire about bubbles. That’s part of being relevant in this whole startup thing, right? Ha! To balance out this sick entertainment curiosity, I promise to write more about real things, like revenues or something.

And thanks to our Silicon Valley corespondent Tuuti Piippo for her eagle eyes.

The full trailer can be found below, and the show is out April 6.


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