
Free Beer: ArcticEvening Rocks Up To Tallinn

Arctic15:Exit Path is looming high on the horizon and the journey around the Baltics continues. We began with a full-house ArcticEvening in Vilnius and now we’re coming to Tallinn. In the coming month we’ll be hitting Riga, then at the beginning of May we’ll start the Nordic leg of our tour through Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo. Finland isn’t forgotten, in fact we’re going all out for our parent nation and will be visiting Tampere, Oulu & Helsinki. Keep an eye out for when we announce our event in your city.

ArcticEvening Tallinn will take place on 24th April from 6:30pm, right in the midst of the energy and chaos that will be the Estonian ICT Week. From the 23rd to the 30th there will be loads of seminars, talks, events, sightseeing tours, parties, hackathons, and much more happening across the city. It seems like whatever aspect of ICT you might be working in, there’s something for you to get out of the week. So wherever you are based, you need to get down to Tallinn that week. We will also be hosting a Nokia X Android Portathon, not something you should miss if you have an existing Android app.

Free Beer & Value

Made Possible by PayMill & Nokia

Our own program will start at 18:30 with a speech by Dmitri Sarle, the CEO of ArcticStartup titled: “Hacking Conferences & Events: How to get the most value out of them”. Basically we have been to countless events and we want people to get the most value out of going to them.

The basic premise is that events are not just for fun, you actually need to plan for them. For example, you need to have a strategy, which guarantees a return on your investment. During the talk, Dmitri will share all of ArcticStartups knowledge when it comes to going to events. To see what to expect, here is a brief article that serves as a teaser.

The second speaker of the night will be Tommi Lehtonen, the CEO of Blueprint Genetics, which provides clinical gene testing and customized DNA sequencing. As the Garage48 will be focusing on Health, Tommi will share his knowledge on creating health related Startups.

Naturally, it is important for you all to network, so the event will facilitate that with plenty of time, free beer and snacks to go around. Hopefully this will also give everyone a “people skills” boost and we are all going to have plenty of fun.

During the event, we will also give out tickets to Arctic15:Exit Path, which at the current early bird price are valued at €249. The ArcticEvening itself is free and you can register here.

Our partners for the event are the folks from Garage48 and we would like to invite everyone to join their hackathon, an event set up to challenge people to turn an idea into a working prototype in 48 hours. These events always produce interesting results and if you have an idea you’ve been itching to work on, or are just the type of person who enjoys a challenge, come along.

During The Day: Invitation Only Nokia X Android Portathon – Apply Today!

If this was not enough, there is another event that will be organized by Nokia on the same day. As you are probably aware Nokia recently launched their first Nokia X devices based on the Android operating system. So if you have an existing Android app, making it work on Nokia involves a few minor tweaks and Nokia are taking the day to show developers what to do.

Developers should bring their laptops as they’ll be able to port their existing Android apps in the portathon and get published on the Nokia Store. It basically means that with minimal effort a new income stream can be created inside a day. Not a bad opportunity to take hold of, and again, like the ArcticEvening, it’s completely free.

To apply, for the portathon – fill out this form.

We look forward to seeing you all in Tallinn and at Arctic15:Exit Path. You can register to the ArcticEvening directly below too:

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