
The Face Of Future Media Is Changing

Disruption is a word that nowadays almost carries little meaning. Disruptive technologies and innovations seem to happen every other day, provided that one is willing to believe what many in the tech industry are trying to promote.

In some instances, however, disruption is the only way to describe a revolution that essentially forces an entire industry to halt and turn to a completely different direction, born anew or withered in the process.

Powerful innovations can completely change the future of media

Emerging technologies are still in very experimental phases which are nevertheless yielding some incredibly interesting results.

See, for example, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms along with their infinite capabilities.

Imagine then a future where all the media you could possibly hope to consume was delivered to you in the most personal and direct way through your very own, truly personal assistant.

One of the biggest challenges faced by both publications and consumers today is the breadth and range of content on offer.

Providing people with an array of perhaps too many choices leads to the “deer in headlights” phenomenon, among others, leading people to stick only with what they already know instead of exploring further.

An AI personal assistant that could deliver relevant and personalized content consistently and without fail would try disrupt the industry in major ways.

Content delivery will also undoubtedly change

Companies like Netflix have shown that providing users with unique and exclusive content is one of the best ways to ensure consumer loyalty and a thriving business.

We are moving towards a future where generalised content will be restricted to specific things only and content delivery will be accomplished on a much smaller scale.

On top of that, companies like Snapchat have showcased the modern person’s need to consume ethereal and authentic content, in large part due to an intense need not to miss out.

When even something as simple as making news stories and pictures time-limited can result in such extraordinary innovations in content delivery, the future of tech and media is exhilarating.

For future media, disruptive technologies are on the verge of said revolution

There is no denying that the news and media industries have changed irrevocably over the past few decades.

Before the rapid advance of 24-hour news cycles, for instance, newspapers were the main source of information along with a detailed showcase during the evening.

The Internet changed media in even more obvious and direct ways. Everything from deliverance to consumption of media is now somehow involved with online technologies and activities, after all.

Even more importantly, tech disruptions in media are not a stationary fact but an ever-changing and evolving landscape of experiments and innovations.

As such, it is vital to understand that predicting future media is plausible but nearly impossible even as a mere thought experiment.

If there is one thing to remember, it’s that technology can change everything in a second

Truly disruptive technologies are often those who arrive with little warning, taking a market completely by surprise and changing it fundamentally.

The Internet, for instance, changed media forever and is constantly influencing our daily lives and it had permeated pretty much every other industry in the world.

As far as future media is concerned, the very same thing may and should happen if we want to talk about disruptive technologies.

In the future, you may be fulfilling all of your media needs through a single channel like a social network which will be catered to your needs.

On the other hand, technology might allow for an approach that involves entire communities, allowing for intimate and transparent content.

The truth is, the only thing we can say for certain is that technology will definitely have an influence over future media. What they influence will be, however, is an exciting truth yet to be discovered.

The article was published by our friends, The Next Web. Find more stories from them on Twitter.

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