
Conferize becomes real home for events with new Organizer pages

Conferize has been on a roll the past couple of years, nailing down partnerships with event experts like TEDx and polishing their platform, but with the release of Conferize Organizer I can see Conferize kicking up that growth even higher. With a vision of becoming the information and networking platform for every event, the Copenhagen-based startup has built a solid platform that allows you to see event attendees before you sign up, while additionally giving you cool features like being able to follow a speaker to see what events they’re going to be at.

That’s the before-event benefit, but the real goal of the platform is to extend the lifetime value of conferences and events by becoming the home for all the content coming out of them – like tweets, videos, presentations, and whatever else they can get their hand on.

One issue, however, is that Conferize by default was an afterthought for event organizers. Sure, you want to have your event listed (with plenty of cool features) as many places as possible, but you drove your main messaging through you website, which you could brand, sponsor, and control much better than a third party platform. To get around this issue, Conferize has released Conferize Organizer, which solves one problem for every host – a clean website that adds more value than just a .com with links to tickets.

With minimal Conferize branding, it’s sort of like white-labeling the Conferize platform for organizers in a way that makes it look like your own website. “Basically we’ve worked hard to put all of the value of Conferize–event community with social networking and content sharing–into a standalone website product that runs under it’s own domain. It still ties into our platform with 18,000 events and 5 million people listed,” says Martin Ferro-Thomsen, CEO of Conferize.

You can point your domain to you page, and the cool thing is that the platform is free for free events, and additionally has paid plans with more community features for larger events with larger event needs, like tools that allow your community to reach out to sponsors before an event, and other potentially money-making benefits.

As Ferro-Thomsen points out in their blog post, event communities grow 5-10 times bigger than actual attendees, and there should be a better way to host this community than a static webpage.

And while you’re thinking about events, here’s a shout-out to our event, Arctic15, taking place May 26-27. Get tickets now!

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