
BuzzPal applying to Seedcamp

BuzzPal, a US/Sweden -based social startup, is applying to Seedcamp. BuzzPal does not tell what their service is about other than that their name and tagline ‘The world is your party’ are good hints and that if you love to party and make new friends BuzzPal is for you. They promise to launch in 2008. Naturally our promise holds that I wrote about earlier on:

When you apply to Seedcamp before the August 10th deadline you will get a guaranteed 2 minute video interview by me or optionally you can submit a 60 second video pitch of your start-up/product/service, which ever you prefer. Naturally these will be posted on ArcticStartup. In addition, when you apply to Seedcamp you will automatically enter a draw in which we at ArcticStartup will randomly choose two start-ups that can have their logo (125×125px) on ArcticStartup front page for the whole month of September. Additionally any start-up that will be chosen to take part in the actual Seedcamp week gets also their logo (125×125px) on the front page for the whole month of September.

Here’s a short and rather cryptic video pitch from BuzzPal to Seecamp video pitch competition.

You can vote BuzzPal’s video pitch at Seedcamps video pitch competition which can earn the start-up a spot at the Seedcamp short-list interview day.

Good luck to everybody at BuzzPal!

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