
Big Bang Racing Tops Charts

Tampere, Finland-based gaming startup Traplight said on Monday its new Big Bang Racing game topped 1 million downloads during the first weekend.

The game has topped the charts among iPad apps in 10 countries, among them major markets Egypt, Ukraine, Malaysia and Indonesia. It reached Top10 spot in 6 countries for iPhone app charts, showed data from App Annie.

It also made to No 2 spot in the key US market, trailing only Pokemon Go, which has stayed as No 1 since it launched early July. Overall, the game has hit a Top5 spot on iPad app charts in 60 countries.

Big Bang Racing is a second hit game out of Tampere in a month, following Flare Games’ Nonstop Knight success among action games.

Test Driving

The game launched with more than 20,000 user-generated levels and the amount is rising fast every single day. Traplight says it’s the first mobile game where every level is created by the players.

Of course, we tried it out. And what’s better for a real test than giving it to the hands of the 10-year-old player. “Creating levels is really fun,” she said after a few days of playing. “This morning I created another one.”

Using the editor you can draw the race course and drag and drop different elements, making the track more challenging.

At first, the levels seem a little overwhelming for her. “I am stuck at level 20, and I cannot get through,” she said, while switching to Pokemon. When we return to the level together, she gets through on the first attempt. Now she is at levels 30+.

The levels she has created are yet to be published for the wider community or shared with the friends. Summer holidays end in a month, then some of her classmates will surely switch to the racing game.

Editor’s note: Added details in paragraphs 3 and 4. 

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