
Angry Birds: 1 Million Plush Toys And 1 Million T-Shirts Sold Each Month. The Game Isn't All They Have

Angry Birds is phenomenal. It’s great, it’s growing and it sounds pretty clichéd and something that is apparently obvious to almost everyone. The brand has amassed over 350 million downloads of its game on numerous devices ranging from the iPhone, Android to PCs and PlayStation 3 and that’s just the software side. What is also worth mentioning is how they have grown out of the gaming world on consoles to board games, Hollywood movie; RIO to stuffed toys. Calling it the Pac Man of our generation will by no means be wrong, though the comparison may not be totally justified.

The Angry Birds brand has made leaps outside the digital world, especially with their plush toys that they launched back last year. While that only garnered 2 million sales in the first quarter or so, the sales have rocketed to one million each month thereon. That’s not it, the plush toys are just half the story and the Angry Birds T-shirts are selling 1 million pieces a month as well.

Now call it a separate form of business compared to the actual game, but it does serve as a benchmark and a signal for the developers of the game to continue innovating Angry Birds on the gaming platforms. Perhaps a Facebook game would be a great benefit as well and actually help the Angry Birds grow simultaneously (and exponentially) with the social network? I am sure the guys at Rovio are giving this a serious thought, but in all honesty, they have actually leveraged the social networking platform to their advantage with spreading the word around.

I am not too sure how this sounds to Rovio, but if they could somehow integrate an option to share the user scores on Facebook and Twitter. I think it will be great as gamers will get to boast about their skills as well a help the game leverage the countless users on the social media to learn about the game itself. It will be viral for sure. Just hope folks at Rovio are working on this or plan to work.

via TechCrunch

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