
2014: Responsive Design Won

What year is this? Early 2012?

Well. We’re catching up to the present day by getting ArcticStartup responsive. So fire up those Blackberries and iPad 1s and head on over to your favorite record of Nordic and Baltic startup news. It’s going to look hot on your device.

Perhaps it’s just our critical journalistic eye, but uhh… you see, we at ArcticStartup are trained to be skeptical of new technology and trends. As we first began seeing everyone from high-tech startups to the flower shop down the street getting mobile friendly, we were still suspicious of the movement.

“Are our readers mobile savvy enough for this to benefit them?” and “Isn’t this whole smartphone thing just a fad?” were questions brought up in our board meetings for a few years. And as technology analysts, I think we can with some confidence say that in 2014, mobile browsing is here to stay.

Here’s how well we’re surfing the information superhighway:

But in all honesty, we’ve been planning a complete site redesign for whenever we get a solid amount of funds, and have been putting off the responsiveness until then. Even though ArcticStartup’s web design could use a complete overhaul, we’ve been investing into other parts of the company. But thanks to Adtile CEO Nils Forsblom, Viljami Salminen, lead front-end designer at Adtile and Joao Carlos, CTO and co-founder of Adtile on the back-end to help us with responsiveness. Additionally they cleaned up the site in a really nice way, getting rid of 2009-esque borders around some frames and some other tweaks.

Many thanks to all of them, and fire up ArcticStartup on your next commute!

Shocked Chinese businessman on phone image by shutterstock.

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